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Earthmoving Regulations.


These Regulations regulate earthmoving operations, i.e. any construction or other activity which disturbs or alters the surface of the land, coral reef or bottom of lagoons (reg. 1.3). All earthmoving operations in Micronesia shall be conducted in accordance with these Regulations and in such a way as to prevent accelerated erosion or accelerated sedimentation (reg. 2.1). Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be set forth in a plan to be prepared by qualified persons in accordance with requirements laid down in reg.

Conservation Orders.


The text contains 3 conservation orders ex section 7 of the Land Conservation and Improvement Act, prescribing the manner in which sugar cane is to be planted (art. 1), prohibiting the depasturizing of livestock within an area specified in the Schedule (art. 2) and prohibiting the use of sledges on any vehicular road used by the public.

Implements: Land Conservation and Improvement Act. (1975)

Range Management and Grazing Control (Amendment) Regulations 1993 (No. 150 of 1992).

Southern Africa

These Regulations amend the Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 with respect to grazing fees and penalties for grazing offences. They also concern fees in relation with organization of rotational grazing and regulation of stock numbers.

Amends: Range Management and Grazing Control Regulations 1980 (No. 30 of 1980). (1980-09-09)

Preservation of Fertile Soil Regulations.

Southern Europe

By way of implementation of the Fertile Soil (Preservation) Act, these regulations concern the submission of the application for transportation of fertile soil. According to regulation 3, no person shall, except upon permission from the Director of Agriculture, deposit any fertile soil on any land already covered with not less than three feet of fertile soil, or in any other manner which would render it unsuitable for immediate cropping.

Implements: Fertile Soil (Preservation) Act. (1983-00-00)

Forest Ordinance (Cap. 157).

Western Africa

The Governor may constitute Forest Reserves under section 4.A Notice in this respect shall be published in the Official Gazette. For each Reserve a Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall be appointed. Restrictions are placed on acquisition of rights during an interim period between publication and an Order constituting a Reserve under section 17. The Settlement Commission shall be considered a Court. The Commissioner may exclude land from a Reserve. Section 13 concerns compensation and section 14 concerns extinction of rights.

Regulations on Nature Conservation, No. 205 of 1973.

Northern Europe

These Regulations have been adopted in implementation of the Nature Conservation Act of 1971. Articles 1 to 7 deal with the setting up of nature conservation committees on each county and town, as well as in the city of Reykjavik. The task of these committees is to further the nature conservation in their district. They shall submit annual reports on their activities (art. 5). Articles 8 to 14 concern the right of access to public lands and the right of free passage, under certain circumstances, through private lands.

Coffee (Cultivation and Processing) Rules.

Eastern Africa

The Rules concern the growing, processing, purchase and marketing of coffee. They shall apply to all coffee growing in Kenya. Geographical restrictions are placed on the growing of (a type of) coffee. The Kenya Coffee Board, in granting licences under the Coffee Act, shall have regard to the potential benefits in terms of development that the granting of a licence may bring about.

Agriculture (Basic Land Usage) Rules (L.N.26/1965).

Eastern Africa

These Rules, for purposes of preventing erosion of the soil, place restrictions on the cultivation of land, the cutting of vegetation and the grazing of livestock on slopes exceeding a specified degree and near to watercourses. Exemptions may be granted by the Director of Agriculture, a provincial agricultural officer, a district agricultural committee or any authorized officer. Persons shall follow orders of authorized officers regarding the flow of water and no person shall obstruct the flow of run-off water.

Implements: Agriculture Act (Cap. 318). (2012)

Decree No. 77.775 regulating Law No. 6.225 on environmental plans for soil erosion prevention.

South America

This Decree regulates Law No. 6.225 establishing the obligation of drawing up regional environmental plans in order to avoid or prevent soil erosion. It consists of 14 articles defining lands to be protected (specifying environmental requirements to be satisfied) according to the Ministry of Agriculture. Land authorized activity is specified in the text.

Implements: Law No. 6.225 establishing environmental plans for soil erosion prevention. (1975-07-14)

Decreto Nº 284 - Aprovechamiento de productos forestales en montes públicos.

South America

El presente Decreto dispone que los bosques o montes públicos necesariamente han de ser explotados mediante control del Gobierno. En lo sucesivo, el aprovechamiento de productos forestales que se realice en bosques de tal naturaleza sin permiso del Departamento de Tierras del Ministerio de la Economía Nacional, no constituye explotación lícita de los mismos y, en consecuencia, no confiere derechos, no da posesión de la tierra donde tales bosques se hallaron plantados, ni puede invocarse como fundamento para obtener las adjudicación de terrenos baldíos.