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Regional Law No. 108-OZ amending Regional Law No. 53-OZ “On regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility”.

Eastern Europe

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional executive body shall perform other plenary powers in the sphere of ensuring fertility of agricultural land envisaged by the federal and the regional legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 53-OZ “On regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility”. (2005-06-01)

Countryside Management Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 (S.R. No. 208 of 1999).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations supplement Council Regulation (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirement of the protection of the environment and maintenance of the countryside. They include provisions to meet the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No.746/96 laying down detailed rules for the application of the Council Regulation. Commission Decision C(99)15 of 29th January 1999 approved in part the agri-environmental programme entitled "the Countryside Management Scheme" to which these Regulations give effect.

Introductory Law relating to the Federal Agricultural Act, Agricultural Soil Act and the Agricultural Lease Act (Cantonal Agriculture Law).

Western Europe

The present Law regulates the implementation of the Federal Agricultural Lease Act of 4 October 1985, the Agriculture Act of 29 April 1998 and the Federal Soil Act of 4 October 1991. The purpose of the present Act is to enforce and complete the federal legislation on agriculture and rural soil, to ensure favourable conditions and to promote an environmental-friendly management.

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant la valeur limite et la valeur guide pour les résidus de nitrates, en exécution de l'article 13bis, § 1er, et les conditions d'octroi d'une dérogation aux normes de fertilisation et aux conditions de fertilisation d...

Western Europe

L’arrêté susmentionné du Gouvernement flamand fixe la valeur limite et la valeur guide pour les résidus de nitrates, en exécution de l'article 13bis, paragraphe 1er, et les conditions d'octroi d'une dérogation aux normes de fertilisation et aux conditions de fertilisation dans les zones vulnérables "eaux", en exécution de l'article 15, paragraphes 8 et 9 et de l'article 17 du décret du 23 janvier 1991 relatif à la protection de l'environnement contre la pollution due aux engrais.

Decision No. 1064/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region through 2020.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region through 2020. The plan has the following objectives: ensure consistency with sectoral master plans; tap and bring into the fullest play all resources so as to attract development investment; expand markets, bolster exports; and boost economic development in a fast, effective and sustainable manner.

Ministerial Decree No. 847 validating Federal specific program “Protection of Baikal lake and socio-economic development of Transbaikal ecosystem for the period of 2012-2020”.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes that the scope of the Federal program shall be protection of Baikal lake and Baikal ecosystem against negative impact of anthropogenic, technogenic and natural factors. Federal program shall perform the following functions: (a) reduction of emission of pollutants; (b) rehabilitation of the territory subject to high and extremely high pollution; (c) utilization of recreational potential of protected areas; (d) conservation and reproduction of biological diversity; and (e) state ecological monitoring.

Foreshore Development (Amendment) Act 2013 (No. 17 of 2013).


This Act amends the Foreshore Development Act with respect to, among other things: consent of Minister required for foreshore development and lapse of consent; powers of an enforcement officer (defined by this Act); registration of existing developments; offences; Minister’s power to make Regulations. The Schedule to the principal Act is repealed.

Amends: Foreshore Development Act (Cap. 90). (2006)

Resolución Nº 13/08 - Criterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales.

Central America

La presente Resolución establece los riterios, regulaciones y requisitos ambientales obligatorios para desarrollos habitacionales comprendidos en proyectos de urbanización, construcción de viviendas en espacios urbanos, rurales, costeros y zonas ecológicamente frágiles.

Erosion Protection Ordinance.

Western Europe

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the classification of agricultural land with a view to the erosion hazard caused by water and wind. The text consists of 6 articles as follows: Sphere of application and definition of terms (1); Classification of erosion threat (2); Provisions on classes of erosion hazard for parcels of land (3); Measures to prevent erosion (4); Responsibility for granting exceptions (5); Entry into force, expiry (6).

Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Au Cameroun 2007.

National Policies
Middle Africa

Confronté à la fois aux insuffisances du cadre institutionnel et réglementaire du secteur de l’eau; et aux contraintes liées à la gestion durable des sols; et à la maîtrise et à la gestion durable des eaux, le Cameroun a élaboré, en 2007, le Document de Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Durable des Eaux et des Sols dans l’Espace Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral.Cette stratégie constitue un cadre d’harmonisation et de mise en cohérence des initiatives de gestion durable des eaux et des sols, permettant de répondre aux objectifs de production soutenue dans le secteur agro sylvo pastoral, tels que définis dan

Ministerial Decree No. 214 On lease of public forest land.

Western Asia

This Ministerial Decree regulates the modalities of lease of public forest land to natural and legal persons. Forested and unforested land can be granted on lease for reforestation in accordance with contract for the period of 10 years. The applicant shall submit the application form containing personal data, address, location of requested forest plot land to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. Sub-lease of public forest land shall be prohibited.

Amended by: Ministerial Decree № 198 amending the Ministerial Decree No. 214 on lease of public forest land. (2017-05-10)