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The importance of land tenure to poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa: Summary of findings

декабря, 1996
Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper draws out the key links between land tenure and poverty eradication. The author argues that in countries where land distribution remains highly inequitable, effectively designed and targeted, it could be a key component of anti-poverty strategies, but significant complementary measures, notably agrarian support services, are also required to achieve real impacts, together with investments in employment and economic diversification.

Recent FAO experiences in land reform and land tenure

декабря, 1996

Brief summary of FAO’s experience in agrarian reform and the most relevant activities of the current programme related to this field. It argues that the type of agrarian reform that considers the redistribution of land from the rich to the poor either through confiscation or through pre-emptive buyouts belongs to the past. However, this does not mean that Member Nations have stopped seeking ways to improve access to productive resources (land, water, etc.) as a cornerstone to their rural development policy.

Réformes et pratiques foncières à l'ombre du droit: quelques réflexions

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 1996

Dans cet article l'auteur explore les possibilités et les limites d'une loi foncière pour résoudre les problèmes fonciers constatés dans une société donnée. Après avoir dénoncé l'approche instrumentaliste en matière législative, qui consiste à croire qu'il suffit d'adopter une loi 'moderne' pour que soient résolus les problèmes, l'auteur préconise l'adoption d'une approche sociologique par le législateur, qui devra accepter qu'une réforme foncière s'adresse à une société pluraliste.

Land Restitution and Reform Laws Amendment Act, 1996

Legislation & Policies
ноября, 1996
South Africa

To amend the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994, so as to insert certain definitions; to effect certain textual improvements; to provide that no person shall be entitled to enforce restitution of a right in land dispossessed if just and equitable compensation was paid; to provide for the appointment of certain organisations to advise the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights, to facilitate meetings of interested parties and to mediate and settle disputes; to require the leave of the Land Claims Court for the lodging of a claim in respect of land in certain circumstances; to alter the p

Royaume du Maroc : Rapport national

Reports & Research
октября, 1996

L’administration de la conservation Foncière, du cadastre et de la Cartographie (ACFCC) sous tutelle du Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la mise en valeur agricole, est I’organisme officiel chargé de I’établissement et maintenance de la carte Topographique de base du Royaume.

Communal Property Associations Act

Legislation & Policies
мая, 1996
South Africa

To enable communities to form juristic persons, to be known as communal property associations in order to acquire, hold and manage property on a basis agreed to by members of a community in terms of a written constitution; and to provide for matters connected therewith. (English text signed by the President.)

Property rights and the rural land market in Latin America

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 1996
South America
Central America

Land distribution in Latin America is characterized by striking inequality. Notwithstanding the emergence of modern structures in some regions, a few huge land holdings are found alongside a large number of small ones. This situation has long been considered undesirable for reasons of social equity as well as for reasons of efficiency. The topic remains high on the political agenda. The ultimately disappointing results of past redistributive reforms have caused contemporary policy-makers to search for alternatives.

Los derechos de propiedad y el mercado de la tierra rural en América Latina

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 1996
South America
Central America

La distribución de la tierra en América Latina se caracteriza por una notable asimetría. A pesar de que han surgido estructuras modernas en algunas regiones, junto a un número reducido de extensas propiedades se encuentra un gran número de unidades pequeñas, situación que desde hace tiempo se considera indeseable por razones de equidad y eficiencia. El tema sigue ocupando un lugar preferente en la agenda política. La frustración causada por los resultados de las reformas realizadas en el pasado con fines redistributivos ha llevado a las autoridades a buscar otras alternativas.

Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996

Legislation & Policies
марта, 1996
South Africa

To provide for security of tenure (land) of labour tenants and those persons occupying or using land as a result of their association with labour tenants; to provide for the acquisition of land and rights in land by labour tenants; and to provide for matters connected therewith. WHEREAS the present institution of labour tenancy in South Africa is the result of racially discriminatory laws and practices which have led to the systematic breach of human rights and denial of access to land

The reconstruction of rural institutions

декабря, 1995
Latin America and the Caribbean

At the end of the 1980s, most agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean shared the following features: an over-protected agricultural sector; strong intervention from the state; excessive regulations and obstacles to interactions with other economic agents; a static land market; and a bimodal type of productive organization, i.e. a few powerful economic units and a large mass of smallholder producers.