Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In this issue, we will be introducing the new Land tenure e-journal, which has just launched its first issue. This e-journal is dedicated to land-related issues, including land tenure.
In this issue, we will be introducing the new Land tenure e-journal, which has just launched its first issue. This e-journal is dedicated to land-related issues, including land tenure.
Los pueblos indígenas1 deben ser considerados como una parte interesada imprescindible en un programa de desarrollo configurado por un mandato de este tipo. Estimaciones recientes indican que, aunque los pueblos indígenas constituyen aproximadamente el 5 % de la población total del mundo, comprenden alrededor del 15 % de la población pobre mundial2.
This training manual is for people working in natural disaster risk management and response as well as for people who work in the land tenure sector.
Este manual de capacitación está destinado a personas que trabajan tanto en la gestión de riesgos y respuesta a los desastres naturales, como aquéllas que trabajan en el sector de la tenencia de la tierra.
The Workshop on Governance of Tenure for Responsible Capture Fisheries was convened by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department in collaboration with the Land Tenure Unit of the Natural Resources and Environment Department to generate inputs and guidance on the contents and process of developing fisheries sector specific implementation guidelines on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsib
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 19. Este documento se enmarca dentro de la consulta global de las Directrices Voluntarias y su proceso de desarrollo y es una aportación para la preparación posterior de la Guía Técnica de Género.
Ce manuel de formation est destiné tant aux personnes qui travaillent dans la gestion des risques naturels et la réponse aux catastrophes qu’aux personnes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la gestion foncière.
Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 20. Ce document analyse les caractéristiques des systèmes de propriété communale dans divers pays d’Asie.
Access to land and land-based resources has been a critical issue for the Adivasi living in forested landscapes of Central India, including Odisha. This paper highlights poor access to land as major reasons of poverty among adivasis and recurrent conflicts in tribal regions of Odisha.
Marsabit County is situated in the northern part of Kenya, bordering the Republic of Ethiopia to the north and Lake Turkana to the west. With approximately 66,000 square kilometres of which 4,956 km2 are covered by Lake Turkana, the foremost part of Marsabit County is an extensive plain which lies between 300m and 900m above sea level.
La ciudad de Xalapa se ubica en el municipio del mismo nombre en el centro del estado de Veracruz; junto con cuatro municipios más, conforman la Zona Metropolitana de Xalapa (ZMX), asentada en una región de gran diversidad ecológica, riqueza histórica e importancia económica. La expansión urbana es compleja y abarca múltiples aspectos.
This chapter deals with the sale of land or building or parcel in a sub-divided building or land parcel in Malaysia. Realising that it is quite impossible to give a complete treatment of such sale and purchase transaction in just a few pages of this chapter, it is proposed that the approach taken in this writing will be to introduce such transaction to the general reader and to only elaborate t