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Displaying 121 - 132 of 1710

Conversion of natural forests to farmlands and its associated woody species diversity and carbon stocks in a span of 33 years (1984 to 2016): in the case of southwestern Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2021

Our study revealed that along the conversion gradient of natural forest to forest farm interface and farmland there was a significant change of woody species diversity and carbon stocks.

LAND-at-scale Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Uganda. This project is implemented by the Global Land Tool Network, faciliated by UN-Habitat, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Open Up Guide for Land Governance, Version 2.0 (following public comments)

Manuals & Guidelines
сентября, 2021

The Open Up Guide on Land Governance is a resource  aimed to be used by governments from developing countries to collect and release land-related data to improve data quality, availability, accessibility and use for improved citizen engagement, decision making and innovation. It sets out:

  1. Key datasets for land management accountability, and how they should be collected, stored, shared and published for improving land governance and transparency;

Guide pour l’ouverture des donnees ouvertes pour une meilleure gouvernance fonciere

Manuals & Guidelines
сентября, 2021

Les Open Up Guides sont des outils pratiques développés par l’ODC et ses partenaires thématiques pour aider les gouvernements et d’autres acteurs à utiliser la publication d’ensembles de données stratégiques pour relever les principaux défis politiques. Ils s’appuient sur des preuves pratiques tout en recueillant des enseignements pour s’assurer que les normes mondiales sont applicables localement.

Strengthening Accountability for Responsible Land Governance: Linking Governance of Tenure to Human Rights

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2021

In a new paper, written with a colleague from the Danish Institute for Human Rights, TMG researchers Anna Kramer and Frederike Klümper, and TMG Managing Director Alexander Müller, make a case for adopting human rights-based monitoring approaches that strengthen the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests (VGGT), and ultimately support responsible land governance.

Compendio de Normas para el saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria de los predios rurales, comunidades campesinas y comunidades nativas y catastro rural

Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2021
South America

Complementando el Compendio de Normas publicado en 2018, el Tomo II actualiza  las normas relevantes en el marco del sanamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria de los predios rurales, comunidades campesinas y comunidades nativas y catastro rural.


Para más información sobre el proyecto: Land Titles for Indigenous Communities in Peru | Land Portal.

Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2021
Northern America
Central Asia
Western Asia

This publication is based on the “Study on Fraud in Land Administration Systems” presented at the Twelfth Session of the Working Party on Land Administration in 2021. It is an update to the 2011 “Study on the Challenges of Fraud to Land Administration Institutions" (ECE/HBP/165). It analyses the current state of play and best practices in addressing fraud in land administration systems in the ECE region.

Central Asia performance review in land governance indices and assessment frameworks

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2021
Central Asia

Academic scholarship captures different land governance dimensions while focusing mainly on agrarian, legal, and economic aspects. However, little to no attention is paid to land governance consideration through public policy lenses. In particular, this holds for Central Asian (CA) countries where there is a noticeable lack of academic works on land governance effectiveness and anti-corruption strategies in the land sector.

Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration—Providing Secure Land Rights at Scale

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2021

This Special Issue provides an insight, collated from 26 articles, focusing on various aspects of the Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) concept and its application. It presents some influential and innovative trends and recommendations for designing, implementing, maintaining and further developing FFP solutions for providing secure land rights at scale. The first group of 14 articles is published in Volume One and discusses various conceptual innovations related to spatial, legal and institutional aspects of FFPLA and its wider applications within land use management.

LAND-at-scale Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and IDLO, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Women’s land rights: Customary rules and formal laws in the pastoral areas of Ethiopia – complementary or in conflict?

Reports & Research
июня, 2021

Land in Ethiopia is held by the state, who acts as a custodian for the Ethiopian people. Even though it is the state which controls land ownership, farmers and pastoralists are guaranteed a lifetime ‘holding’ right that provides rights to use the land, rent it out, donate, inherit and sharecrop it. Everything except sell and mortgage it. On paper and under existing formal laws, women have equal rights to men as far as use and control of and access to land is concerned.

Land Governance in the Outskirts of African Cities.

Policy Papers & Briefs
июня, 2021

In the next 30 years, Africa’s population is expected to double, and the continent will be home to 2.5 billion people. Almost half of this population will be living in urban agglomerations. Metropolitan cities, such as Lagos, Nairobi, Dar es Salaam or Abidjan will host several tens of millions of urban dwellers. Peri-urban areas are most affected by the cities’ expansion and undergo important social, political and economic transformations.This Ifri briefing analyses how these changes translate into land governance, a key sector of urban development.