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Decree No. 198 of the Cabinet of Ministers amending Decree No. 171 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on calculation of compensation to former owners of land and their legitimate heirs for land transferred in ownership to cities.

Northern Europe

Item 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “This Regulation establishes the modalities of calculation of compensation for expropriated land, payment of the aforesaid compensation to the former owners and heirs thereof and the modalities of calculation of payment for transferred urban land”.

Amends: Decree No. 171 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on calculation of compensation to former owners of land and their legitimate heirs for land transferred in ownership to cities. (1997-05-06)

Arrêté 04-037 du 17 février 2004 M/SG/DSTM/SHS portant réglementation de la gestion des eaux usées domestiques, vannes et industrielles dans le périmètre urbain de la Commune de N'Djaména.

Middle Africa

Le présent arrêté réglemente la gestion des eaux usées domestiques, vannes, industrielles et et hospitalières conformément aux normes admises par l’OMS dans le périmètre urbain de la Commune de N'Djaména.La non observation des dispositions des articles 4, 6, 7, 8 et 9 du présent décret expose les auteurs à une pénalité conformément au tableau suivant: Non respect des articles 4 et 6 (12 000 à 90 000 francs CFA); Non respect de l’article 7 (45 000 à 200 000 francs CFA); Non respect de l’article 8 (1 000 000 à 2 500 000 francs CFA); et Non respect de l’article 9 (2 000 000 à 5 000 000 francs

Arrêté 03-037 du 5 mars 2003 M/SG/DSTM/SHS fixant le taux d'amendes forfaitaires de non observation des règles d'hygiènes dans la ville de N'Djaména.

Middle Africa

Le présent arrêté fixe le taux d'amendes forfaitaires pour non observation des règles d'hygiène à l'intérieur du périmètre urbain de N'Djaména, notamment les jets ou exposition de choses de nature à nuire par leur chute ou leur exhalaison ; l’obstruction de la voie publique ; le refus d'exécution des règlements de petite voirie ou sommation administrative aux immeubles menaçant de ruine ; et la destruction ou détérioration des espaces verts et jardins publics.

Decree No. 342 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on cadastre valuation of urban land in Riga.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of unifies calculation of the value of urban land in Riga from the moment of entry into force of the new zoning on land. Cadastre value shall be calculated in accordance with immovable units and land plots registered in the State cadastre of immovable property. State Land Service shall perform calculation of cadastre value in accordance with this Decree. The following data shall be used for land value calculation: (a) cadastre denomination; (b) land area; (c) purposeful use of immovable property; and (d) encumbrances and use restrictions on land.

Arrêté 088 du 5 avril 2004 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Cellule chargée des questions sanitaires de l’Habitat du ministère de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

Le présent arrêté met en place une Cellule chargée des questions sanitaires de l’Habitat au sein du ministère de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme.Elle est chargée notamment de créer un cadre de concertation et d'échange entre les ministères de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme, de la Santé (Institut national de Santé publique), de l'environnement; de veiller au respect des conditions sanitaires du bâtiment, des exigences environnementales de l'habitat (espaces verts etc.), des conditions hygiéniques et de l'entretien des quartiers; de veiller à l'humanisation des quartiers précaires (voie

Ministerial Decree No. 1764 validating the Regulation on valuation and re-valuation of land plots.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of valuation and re-valuation of land plots by the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography and legal persons subordinated thereto. Valuation and re-valuation of land plots shall be carried out with the consideration of data contained in state land cadastre, land use planning register, forest register, land servitude and other use restrictions imposed by the national legislation. The results of land valuation and re-valuation shall be recorded in state land cadastre.

Decree No. 5 of the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Instruction on cadastre valuation of urban land.

Eastern Europe

The purpose of the Decree is urban land valuation for the establishment of cadastre value. The object of valuation shall be plots of urban land registered in state land cadastre. Land valuation shall be carried out periodically as of 1 January of the current year.

Decreto Nº 1.788 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes.

South America

El presente Decreto reglamenta parcialmente las disposiciones referentes a la participación en plusvalía de que trata la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, disponiendo que los valores comerciales serán ajustados a valor presente aplicando el índice de precios al consumidor a la fecha de expedición del plan de ordenamiento territorial, de su revisión o de la adopción de los instrumentos que lo desarrollan y complementan.

Government Resolution No. 86/2003 approving the Coastal Waters’ Management Plan (POOC) for the area Sintra-Sado.

Southern Europe

This Resolution, composed of 6 articles, approves the Coastal Waters’ Management Plan (POOC) for the area Sintra-Sado and the related Regulation. The aim of the POOC is to match the protection and valorisation of the biological diversity and the landscape with natural resources’ public use and the socio-economic development of Lisbon metropolitan area. The Regulation consists of 104 articles and 11 Annexes. It classifies coastal land starting by the distinction between urban and rural land.

Land Acquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance.

Southern Europe

The Ordinance lays down rules governing the acquisition of land for public purposes, which means any purpose connected with exclusive government use or general public use. The President of Malta may by declaration signed by him declare any land to be required for a public purpose. Moreover, the President of Malta may for any public purpose declare by proclamation that any land is subject to clearance rights or to subsoil rights.

Land (Conditions of Rights of Occupancy) Regulations, 2001 (L.N. No. 77 of 2001).

Eastern Africa

These Regulations provide for conditions, to which the right of occupancy as defined in the Land Act, 1991 is subject. The Commissioner of Lands may impose those conditions pursuant to regulation 3, but they shall not be inconsistent with the Act. Other conditions are specified by these Regulations, such as demarcation of boundaries, protection of beacons, application for building permits on urban or "peri-urban" land, etc. Regulation 7 specified conditions of use of agricultural land held in occupancy, regarding cultivation. Regulation 8 concerns the right of occupancy for pastoral uses.