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Regulations of Beijing Municipality on urban and rural planning.

Eastern Asia

The purpose of these Regulations is to rationally develop urban planning and strengthen the management of urban planning. The Regulations consist of 33 Articles divided into 5 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; preparation and approval of urban planning; development of new urban districts and the rebuilding of the old areas; legal liability and supplementary provisions.The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Zhejiang province.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 7 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation of urban and rural planning; Approval of urban and rural planning; Amendment of urban and rural planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions. The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Urban and Rural Planning Regulations of Sichuan province.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Regulations consist of 7 Chapters, dealing with: General provisions; Formulation of urban and rural planning; Approval of urban and rural planning; Amendment of urban and rural planning; Supervision and inspection; Legal liabilities; Supplementary provisions.The Regulations provide for the procedures of, and requirements for formulation, approval, amendment and implementation of urban and rural planning.

Décret n° 2014-1005 PM du 21 mai 2014 modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions du décret n° 2008/0739/PM du 23 avril 2008 fixant les règles d'utilisation du sol et de la construction.

Middle Africa

Le présent décret modifie et complète les dispositions de l'article 33 du décret n° 2008/739/PM du 23 avril 2008 fixant les règles d'utilisation du sol et de la construction. Ces différentes modifications portent sur le permis de construire et son affichage et sa conformité.

Decreto Nº 523/009 - Fíjanse los instrumentos de Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Sostenible y los procedimientos adecuados, conforme a las previsiones establecidas en la Ley 18.308.

South America

El presente Decreto introduce normas reglamentarias de la Ley Nº 18.308 en lo que respecta a los instrumentos de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sostenible, con particular atención a los efectos de la entrada en vigor de dichos instrumentos y a las condiciones generales que deben establecer.

Implementa: Ley Nº 18.308 - Normas sobre ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sostenible. (2008-06-18)

Regional Law No. 17 “On general land-use planning scheme of the city of Moscow”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law validates general land-use planning scheme of the city of Moscow with a view of ensuring sustainable development, reaching high standards of living of the population (including improvement of public health), improvement of urban environment and conservation of historical and cultural heritage. Sustainability shall be ensured by introduction of ecofriendly processes, methods and technologies, environmental security of urban areas, performance of ecological improvement arrangements and ensuring ecological, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

Decreto Nº 1.077 - Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio.

South America

El presente Decreto, considerando que la racionalización y simplificación del ordenamiento jurídico es una de las principales herramientas para asegurar la eficiencia económica y social del sistema legal y para afianzar la seguridad jurídica, y que constituye una política pública gubernamental la simplificación y compilación orgánica del sistema nacional regulatorio, expide el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, cuyo objeto es compilar la normatividad expedida por el gobierno nacional en ejercicio de las facultades reglamentarias para la cumplida eje

Decree No. 146 of the Cabinet of Ministers on urban land-use planning.

Central Asia

This Decree establishes the modalities of allotment of plots of land for urban construction and other non-agricultural purposes to natural and legal persons in accordance with land-use planning schemes. The scope shall be to ensure protection and conservation of objects of cultural heritage located in areas subject to land-use planning provisions. The provisions must ensure specific purposeful land tenure and compliance with legal rights and interests of the applicants.

Resolución Nº 3.461/10 - Reglamento para la Actualización Parcelaria y Registral de Inmuebles Complejos.

Dominican Republic

La presente Resolución aprueba el Reglamento para la Actualización Parcelaria y Registral de Inmuebles Complejos, que consiste en el procedimiento técnico y administrativo por el cual se individualizan y determinan las distintas porciones de un inmueble complejo y se emiten los correspondientes Certificados de Títulos sobre las parcelas resultantes.

Regional Law No. 815-OZ “On establishment of the price of land plots located within the boundaries of regional urban areas destined for agricultural production, without edifices or constructions thereon”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that price of purchase of land plots located within the boundaries of regional urban areas destined for agricultural production, without edifices or constructions thereon previously allotted to agricultural organization or to peasant farm on condition of permanent (open-ended) tenancy or on condition of life-long hereditary possession shall be set at fifteen percent of cadastre value of the aforesaid plots of land.

Act on Contaminated Soil (No. 282 of 2007).

Northern Europe

The Act's purpose is to help prevent, eliminate or reduce contamination by avoiding harmful effects from contamination of groundwater, human health and the environment in general.It consists of 13 Chapters: Purpose (1): Contamination Survey and authorization of change land use (2); Public investigation and remedial action (3); Loss of value arrangements for homeowners (4); Injunction to polluters (5); Disposal and use of land (6); Administrative rules (7); Monitoring and enforcement (8); Miscellaneous provisions (9); Appeals and legal proceedings (10); Penalty (11); Entry into force and tra