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Gender and access to land

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2002
South Africa

This guide on Gender and access to land has been prepared to support land administrators in governments and their counterparts in civil society who are involved in land access and land administration questions in rural development. It is frequently the case that gender issues are left out or misunderstood in such situations, often with negative results. This guide is designed to show where and why gender inclusion is important in projects and programmes that aim at improving land tenure and land administration arrangements.

Réforme Agraire: Colonisation et coopératives agricoles 2002/1

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2002
United Kingdom

Land and land reform cover a great range, both in terms of the geographical and development status of the countries considered, and of the variety of perspectives on the issues. The articles in this issue of Land Reform, Land Resettlement and Cooperatives reflect this breadth in a variety of ways. The articles range geographically from the paper addressing land and agrarian reform in Colombia, by Professor Darío Fajardo, to a consideration of the land reforms currently under way in Scotland, by Douglas Macmillan, Ken Thomson and Bill Slee.

Law and sustainable development since Rio

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2002

The ten years following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992) have been years of intense activity in the reformation of national and international laws. Over the last decade, sustainable developmetn has become a universal watchword, and a major catalyst for the reorientation of legal texts. Profound legal changes have been triggered by the transformation of socialist economies and the accelerating globalization of trade and economy.

The land debate in Mozambique

Reports & Research
ноября, 2002

Land is again the subject of debate in Mozambique, five years after the passage of a land law following wide-spread consultation in one of the most democratic processes in Mozambique in the 1990s. The law has won praise for protecting peasant rights while creating space for outside investment. The new debate is about two issues:

Sistemas Costumeiros da Terra em Moçambique

Reports & Research
ноября, 2002

Quando a Lei de Terras 19/97 estabeleceu que o direito de uso e aproveitamento da terra é adquirido por ocupação por pessoas singulares e pelas comunidades locais, segundo as normas e práticas costumeiras que não contrariem a Constituição, criou-se a ruptura com a prática legislativa em Moçambique e em muitos outros países africanos.

Promoção dos Direitos Relativos à Terra em Africa

Reports & Research
ноября, 2002

Nos últimos 20 anos, um número crescente de organizações não-governamentais (ONGs) diversificou as suas actividades passando da prestação de serviços para a advocacia em prol de políticas. Elas estão a receber créditos pelos seus consideráveis impactos em processos globais, desde o desenvolvimento económico até à democracia. Mas estarão tais impactos a acontecer, de facto, e se sim como é que são conseguidos?

Campaign to Make the Report of The Commission of Inquiry Into Land Law Systems of Kenya Public in Time For The Forthcoming Election and To Enhance The Ongoing Land Reform Agenda

Institutional & promotional materials
ноября, 2002

The Kenya Land Alliance takes this opportunity to congratulate the Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law Systems of Kenya (‘Njonjo Commission’) for completing their task, which has painstakingly taken them three years. The KLA fraternity was pleased to hear the president’s remarks that the Njonjo report was a blueprint that would guide the future government in handling the delicate land issues efficiently and justly. Equally delighting was the Mr. Njonjo’s remark that wherever they went the wananchi expressed appreciation of their appointment to look into the land question.

Gender Aspects of Land Reform Constitutional Principles

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2002

Throughout this pocket size booklet, Land Reform Volume 4, KLA proposes that collectively as a nation, and especially during this time of the constitutional review process. The principles outlined be embraced with the purpose of providing women a deliberate opportunity to engage in decision-making as regards land-use,management and ownership.

Land of Guile: Migrant Workers in Thailand

Reports & Research
сентября, 2002

Thus far, the government's labor legislation has brought few benefits to Thailand's migrant work force which continues to withstand deep-seated corruption and abuse...However precarious the situation may be for migrant workers in Thailand, it will continue as long as cheap sources of labor remain a vital component for a healthy and vibrant Thai economy. The time is ripe for both the Thai and Burmese governments to implement genuine measures that would help ensure the just and dignified treatment of Burmese workers in Thailand...