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Aproximación a los principios rectores del desplazamiento forzado interno

Journal Articles & Books

Through the Guiding Principles of Internal Forced Displacement, rights where recognized and also the specific rights of the forced internal displaced. Despite not being a binding source of law, this document has enjoyed wide acceptance by the international community. Likewise, it has served as a fundamental tool of empowerment for the victims of this phenomenon. The Principals based in this concept of sovereignty as well as responsibility, regulate general prevention situations, care and the national authority assistance to the victims, as well as the right to receive them.

Medidas de protección a la propiedad inmobiliaria desde el registro

Reports & Research

La tesis comprende cuatro marcos conceptuales: El primero, el aspecto metodológico que sienta las bases de la investigación, desde el planteamiento del problema, la hipótesis y su justificación. El segundo, comprende el desarrollo doctrinario de la propiedad y del registro desde una óptica histórica, económica y jurídica, que permita explicar la necesaria interrelación de ambas instituciones como consecuencia de la libertad que gozan las personas para contratar en el mercado.

Reformas liberales, sociedad rural y derechos de propiedad territorial en la frontera sur bonaerense (2da mitad del siglo XIX) : Las "donaciones condicionadas" de Azul

Journal Articles & Books

El objetivo del trabajo es examinar la revisión oficial de las "donaciones condicionadas" implementadas en el partido de Azul y la respuesta de la sociedad rural durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Mediante un análisis principalmente cualitativo de la legislación, prensa, correspondencia, expedientes de tierras y otras fuentes coetáneas, se aborda el marco legal y el accionar social, considerando los argumentos esgrimidos para la puesta en valor de los derechos y el acceso a la propiedad formal.


Journal Articles & Books

El prop?sito de este art?culo es analizar el impacto de los derechos de propiedad sobre el desarrollo econ?mico. Para este efecto, se tom? como base los planteamientos de la teor?a neoinstitucional sobre las instituciones y su impacto sobre el comportamiento humano. Definici?n a partir de la cual se establece si los derechos de propiedad pueden ser considerados como una instituci?n, que ejerce influencia en los incentivos de los agentes econ?micos y de esta forma en los resultados econ?micos de una naci?n.

La regulación de las Expropiaciones Indirectas y la Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración Pública al interior del ordenamiento jurídico peruano : una aproximación desde el Derecho Internacional de las Inversiones

Reports & Research

Los Estados a través de la suscripción de instrumentos internacionales en materias de promoción y protección de inversiones, otorgan determinados estándares de tratamiento a inversionistas (ya sean estas personas jurídicas o naturales). Sin embargo, a veces estos se ven forzados a modificar de manera sustancial el ordenamiento jurídico bajo el cual se venían desarrollando las actividades económicas de los inversionistas extranjeros.

Land Patronage and Static Urban Boundaries in Zimbabwe Implications for Land Tenure Security

Peer-reviewed publication

The political dysfunction that had come to characterize an imploding Zimbabwean economy is beyond dispute. This paper explores how a government that had become weakened in the face of a formidable opposition in urban areas turned to use land as a reward for supporters and as a means of luring new members to join the ruling party. It argues that land patronage has been used as a means for legitimating fledgling state rule while undermining the tenure security of the poor.

Slow, stealthy and steady – capacity development to address land tenure issues in development programmes: experiences of the IFAD/GLTN TSLI-ESA Project

Peer-reviewed publication

Land and natural resource tenure security is a central yet often neglected area for economic development and poverty reduction in the developing world. Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people. It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity. Secure access to land reduces vulnerability to hunger and poverty. There are some 1.3 billion extremely poor people in the world, struggling to survive on less than US$1.25 a day, and close to a billion continue to suffer from chronic under-nourishment.

Securing Land Transactions with Biometric data in Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication

There is a gap between land tenure and the physical land giving room for impersonation, multiple allocation and sale of plots, loss of possession, land racketeering and fraud through forgery. Hence, the need to identify unambiguously parties involved in land transactions so that the root of title can be traced to ensure tenure security. This paper explores innovative ways of filling the gap with biometric data to secure land transactions.

Threats of Statutory Tenure on Customary Land in Zambia: Evidence from Chamuka Chiefdom in Chisamba District

Peer-reviewed publication

This chapter investigated threats of statutory tenure on customary land. The study was primarily qualitative in nature and adopted a case study approach. Using evidence from Chamuka Chiefdom in Chisamba District, Central Province, the paper concludes that there are various threats of statutory tenure on customary land. These include traditional leaders losing control over land, displacements, land disputes, investors acquire more land than what is demarcated to them by traditional leaders, traditional leaders’ not consulting their community members, corruption, and tenure insecurity.