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UN-Habitat - SDG 11.3 Sustainable urbanization

мая, 2017

A defining feature of many of the world’s cities is an outward expansion far beyond formal administrative boundaries, largely propelled by the use of the automobile, poor urban and regional planning and land speculation. A large proportion of cities both from developed and developing countries have high consuming suburban expansion patterns which often extend to even further peripheries. Cities need to accommodate new and thriving urban functions such as transportation routes, etc. as they expand.

Zambia’s peasants at risk of becoming squatters on their own land – UN expert warns

Reports & Research
мая, 2017

The push to turn commercial large-scale agricultural into a driving engine of the Zambian economy, in a situation where the protection of access to land is weak, can risk pushing small-holder farmers and peasants off their land and out of production with severe impacts on the people’s right to food,” Ms. Elver said at the end of her first official visit to the country

Las verdades más incómodas del cambio climático no son climáticas

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2017

El aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en la atmósfera es el más comentado —y uno de los más estudiados— de los impactos humanos sobre el planeta por ser motor del cambio climático y de su consecuencia más general y conocida: el calentamiento global. Hay consenso acerca de que estos cambios serán en su mayoría perjudiciales, y por lo tanto también hay muchos análisis sobre cómo evitarlos, o por lo menos atenuarlos.

Understanding changing land access and use by the rural poor in Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017

In Ghana 70 per cent of the population are smallholder farmers who depend on the land for their basic needs. Growing competition for this resource is having significant impacts on rural livelihoods and governance as land changes hands. This study highlights the key drivers of pressure on rural land and their communities, such as population growth, urbanisation and acquisition of land by new actors, including government and business.

After the Boom: Responding to Falling Rubber Prices in Northern Laos

Reports & Research
апреля, 2017

Rubber prices in northern Laos have fallen significantly over the last few years, eroding much of the initial enthusiasm of both farmers and government officials about rubber providing a way out of poverty for poor upland farmers. This thematic study examines responses to this price drop by Lao rubber growers and state institutions in northern Laos. It also examines the reasons that prices are what they are, given that price volatility was identified as a risk during the mid-2000s, and that in at least some cases, steps were taken to protect contract farmers from falling prices.

Os Zoneamento urbanos e a irregularidade das moradias em Campinas, SP

Conference Papers & Reports
апреля, 2017
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul
O presente artigo é parte de um projeto de pesquisa maior, com apoio do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID), a Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), por meio do Grupo de Governança de Terras (GGT), e com apoio da equipe de pesquisa da Toledo e Associados (T&A). Temos como objetivo analisar os Planos Diretores e o zoneamento determinado por eles e como eles a influenciam as escolhas da população ao se estabelecerem em área irregulares na Região Metropolitana de Campinas (RMC).

Ukraine Systematic Country Diagnostic

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
апреля, 2017
Central Asia

Ukraine has tremendous potential that has not yet been reached. Ukraine is endowed with intelligent, energetic, and entrepreneurial people; extraordinary fertile land; considerable natural resources; and a geographic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. There is no reason why Ukraine, under the right conditions, should not be among the league of prosperous and successful nations. The circumstances today, however, are of course, still far from that ultimate target.

Tier Classification for Global SDG Indicators

Policy Papers & Briefs
марта, 2017

This document contains the updated tier classification, based on changes made by the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) following its 3rd (March 2016), 4th (Nov. 2016) and 5th (March 2017) meetings. The tier classification of many indicators is expected to change as methodologies are developed and data availability increases. Therefore, the IAEG-SDGs has developed a mechanism to annually review the tier classification at its Fall (or 4th quarter) meetings. The updated tier classification is expected to be released following those meetings unless otherwise noted.

The State of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Sri Lanka

Reports & Research
марта, 2017
Sri Lanka

Coming two years after a political transition from post-war authoritarianism, this Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights is framed in the backdrop of two concurrent processes of ‘transformation’ currently underway in Sri Lanka. The first is the process of constitutional reform initiated by the Government that was elected on the platform of restoring democratic, inclusive and accountable governance.

Small-scale soya farming can outperform large-scale agricultural investments

Reports & Research
марта, 2017

The investigation of soya production in Central Mozambique presented here suggests small-scale farming can produce similar profits to large-scale operations and better social outcomes. Concentrating only on large-scale investments can mean forgoing opportunities for rural development and poverty reduction. With the right support, poorer households can develop market-oriented farming that contributes to local value chains at many levels.

Rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur les droits de l’homme et l’extrême pauvreté sur sa mission en Mauritanie (A/HRC/35/26/Add.1)

Reports & Research
февраля, 2017

Le Secrétariat a l’honneur de transmettre au Conseil des droits de l’homme le
rapport du Rapporteur spécial sur les droits de l’homme et l’extrême pauvreté, Philip
Alston sur la mission que celui-ci a réalisée en Mauritanie, du 2 au 11 mai 2016. Le
Rapporteur spécial a constaté que, si la Mauritanie avait réalisé des progrès notables dans la
lutte contre la pauvreté ces dernières années, une grande partie de la population continuait à
vivre dans une pauvreté multidimensionnelle et n’avait pas accès à une nourriture