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Defenders of the Earth. Global killings of land and environmental defenders in 2016

Reports & Research
июля, 2017

Covers global panorama, where the situation has worsened, the context for killings, moving forward. At least 200 land and environmental defenders were killed in 2016, the highest on record, spread across 24 countries. Cites their names. With many killings unreported, and even less investigated, likely that the true number is actually far higher. This tide of violence driven by an intensifying fight for land and natural resources, as mining, logging, hydro-electric and agricultural companies trample on people and the environment in their pursuit of profit.

Defenders of the Earth

Reports & Research
июня, 2017

2016 saw a record 200 killings of people defending their land, forests and rivers against destructive industries.

It has never been deadlier to take a stand against companies that steal land and destroy the environment. Our new report Defenders of the Earth found that nearly four people were murdered every week in 2016 protecting their land and the natural world from industries like mining, logging and agribusiness.

Stop Coal Mining in Nam Ma

Reports & Research
июня, 2017

In 2004, Ngwe Yi Pale Company began coal mining in Nam Ma tract of Hsipaw township. The mining has destroyed farmlands and irrigation sources, and caused water and air pollution, mi-pacing over 3,000 people. The Nam Ma villagers have been calling for a stop to the mining since April 1, 2016, but the company has continued expanding the mining area. In May 2016, the Burma Army carried out an attack in the area to clear out the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army, and protect the mining operations. Villagers were killed, arrested and beaten.

2017 Resource Governance Index

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2017

This report presents the key findings and core messages of the 2017 Resource Governance Index. The index measures the quality of resource governance in 81 countries that together produce 82 percent of the world’s oil, 78 percent of its gas and a significant proportion of minerals, including 72 percent of all copper. It is the product of 89 country assessments (eight countries were assessed in two sectors), compiled by 150 researchers, using almost 10,000 supporting documents to answer 149 questions.

Índice de la Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2017

El Índice de la Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales evalúa las políticas y las prácticas empleadas por las autoridades para gobernar sus industrias petrolera, gasífera y minera. El índice proporciona una calificación agregada para cada evaluación. En la mayoría de países, el índice evalúa ya sea el sector petróleo y gas, o el sector minero. En el caso de ocho países, el índice evalúa a ambos sectores. Lee mas en http://www.resourcegovernanceindex.org. 

Indice de Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2017

Le rapport présente les principaux résultats et messages clés de l’Indice de Gouvernance des Ressources Naturelles 2017. L’indice mesure la qualité de la gouvernance des ressources naturelles dans 81 pays, qui représentent 82% de la production mondiale de pétrole, 78% de la production mondiale de gaz et une part importante de la production de minéraux, dont 72% de la production mondiale de cuivre.

Индекс Управления Ресурсами 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2017

Этот отчет представляет ключевые выводы и основные послания Индекса управления ресурсами 2017. Индекс оценивает качество управления ресурсами в 81 стране, которые совместно производят 82 процента мировой нефти, 78 процентов газа и значительную часть минеральных ресурсов, включая 72 процента всей меди. Это результат 89 страновых оценок (восемь стран были оценены по двум секторам), проведенных 150 исследователями, которые использовали почти 10000 подтверждающих документов для ответов на 149 вопросов.

مؤشر حوكمة الموارد لعام 2017

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2017

یعرض ھذا التقریر النتائج الرئیسیة والخلاصات الأساسیة لمؤشر حوكمة الموارد لعام 2017. ويقيس المؤشر حسن إدارة الموارد في 81 بلدا تنتج  82 في المائة من النفط في العالم، و 78 في المائة من الغاز، ونسبة كبيرة من المعادن، بما في ذلك 72 في المائة من جميع النحاس. وهو نتاج 89 تقييما قطريا (تم تقييم ثمانية بلدان في قطاعين)، جمع  النتائج 150 باحثا، باستخدام ما يقرب من 10،000 وثيقة داعمة للإجابة على 149 سؤالا.  ممكن الإطلاع على النتائج المفصلة على http://www.resourcegovernanceindex.org

Proceso Campesino y Popular La Vega

Reports & Research
мая, 2017

El Proceso Campesino y Popular del Municipio La Vega, Cauca (PCPV) es una experiencia popularcampesina y comunitaria de autonomía y resistencia enmarcada dentro del municipio de LaVega, localizado al sur del departamento del Cauca, a 3 horas aproximadamente de Popayán,capital departamental. Entre montañas, valles, ríos, páramos y lagunas, La Vega se encuentraenmarcada en la región biográfica d

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

Reports & Research
апреля, 2017

London Mining Network is an alliance of human rights, development, environmental and solidarity groups working in support of communities around the world who are badly affected by mining companies based in, or financed from, London.

One such company is Antofagasta plc, one of the larger mining companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The majority of its operations are in Chile. The most significant shareholders in Antofagasta are members of the Luksic family, a wealthy Chilean family which is also involved in a number of other businesses.

Understanding changing land access and use by the rural poor in Senegal

Reports & Research
апреля, 2017

Senegal currently has a complex and poorly regulated system of land governance, which — combined with an urbanisation trend and increasing outsider interest — is leading to land privatisation and a consequent reduction in the availability of cultivable land for small producers. Young farmers in particular are struggling to gain sufficient access to land to maintain viable enterprises.