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LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
января, 2017

Conclusions: "Amnesty International’s latest research shows that hundreds of people close to the giant Letpadaung mine continue to face the risk of forced eviction from their farmland, and in the case of four villages, from their homes as well.

Changing landscapes in Mozambique: why pro-poor land policy matters

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
января, 2017

In Mozambique, changes in land access and use are shaping new landscapes, often at the expense of the poor. Despite progressive land legislation, elite groups and vested interests are consolidating land holdings while peasant producers are being dispossessed of their land and access to fertile plots is becoming increasingly difficult.

Legal limits to tribal governance: coal mining in Meghalaya, India

LandLibrary Resource
января, 2017

Land in Meghalaya, India, was traditionally agricultural land, owned by the community. With increasing privatization and rising commercial value of land for non-agricultural use, many owners have sold the land for mining operations. So-called rat-hole coal mining has resulted in environmental degradation as well as in the loss of lives of miners, most of whom are from outside the state.

South African banks footprint in SADC mining projects: environmental, social and governance principles

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2016
South Africa

Environmental,  social  and  governance  (ESG)  concerns  are  an  increasingly  important  factor worldwide for banks when they invest in large projects. In the Southern African region with its rich mineral deposits, this trend has added importance.

Explotación mineral de oro y dinámicas territoriales en el municipio de Mutatá, Colombia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2016

A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as dinâmicas territoriais expressadas no município de Mutatá-Colômbia a partir da extração mineral de oro, recriando as analise de maneira dialética em alcance multiescalar nos planos regional, nacional e internacional, que permita apresentar as tensões em perspectiva de totalidade, reconhecendo os processos de territorialização expostos a partir d

Disputes over land and water rights in gold mining : the case of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

This article analyzes different visions and positions in a conflict between the developer of an open-pit mine in Mexico and project opponents using the echelons of rights analysis framework, distinguishing four layers of dispute: contested resources; contents of rules and regulations; decision-making power; and discourses.

Formation of information system monitoring on the status of mineral exploitation

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2016

This article describes the principles of formation of information subsoil monitoring system, the main factors of influence the mining industry on the environment, which predetermine the necessity of monitoring subsurface facilities and the development of their accounting systems.