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Ley Nº 4.890 - Ley de derecho real de superficie forestal.

South America

La presente Ley regula el Derecho Real de Superficie Forestal, definido como aquel por el cual el titular del dominio de un inmueble susceptible de contener plantaciones forestales o bosques naturales constituye a favor de terceros o superficiarios un derecho de aprovechamiento o disposición sobre los bienes forestales plantados sobre la superficie de su propiedad o sobre los bienes que se encuentren en el inmueble en forma de bosque natural.

Ley Nº 1/2013 - Modifica el Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2000, Texto Refundido de las Leyes de Ordenación del Territorio de Canarias y de Espacios Naturales de Canarias.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley modifica el Texto Refundido de las Leyes de Ordenación del Territorio de Canarias y de Espacios Naturales de Canarias, en aspectos relacionados con el régimen jurídico a aplicar a las instalaciones, construcciones y edificaciones, así como a los usos ya existentes.

Enmienda: Decreto Legislativo Nº 1/2000 - Texto Refundido de las Leyes de Ordenación del Territorio de Canarias y de Espacios Naturales de Canarias. (2000-05-08)

Law No. 6292 on supporting the development of forest villagers, valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

Western Asia

This Law sets forth the principles and procedures of valuation of areas taken out of forest area borders on behalf of the Treasury and vending of agriculture lands owned by the Treasury. The Law also sets out the principles and procedures of creation of new forest areas, replacement of forest villagers and supporting the development of replaced forest villages. The provisions of this Law covers only areas taken out of forest area borders in accordance with Article. 2 of the Law No. 6831 and covers the agriculture lands owned by the Treasury.

Forest Reserve Act (Cap. 84).

Eastern Africa

This Act grants powers to the Minister to constitute Forest Reserves and lays down rules relative to acts in or in relation with such reserve. The Minister may constitute a Forest Reserve by Order published in the Official Gazette and may also direct, in the same manner, the cessation of a Reserve. Provisions of the State Lands and River Reserves Act notwithstanding, the President or the government may not sell, lease or mortgage land in Forest Reserves. Cutting down of trees or lighting of fires without a written permission of the Chief Agricultural Officer is prohibited.

State Land and River Reserves Act (Cap. 228).

Eastern Africa

This Act makes provision for the management and alienation of State land, for the appointment of forest rangers and for the protection of State lands and River Reserves.State land may be alienated by grant, sale or lease. State land may be sold by the President, with the exception of River Reserves belonging to the Republic. River Reserves are rivers and “rivulets” and adjacent areas listed in Schedule A to this Act. The Minister may, from time to time, add to or withdraw from the Schedule any watercourse.

Local Government Act (Cap. 265).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides with respect to local government and local authority (i.e. a municipal, county, town or urban council) in Kenya. The Minister shall have the power to establish municipalities, counties or townships. Local authorities may enter into agreement between them for purposes of joint management and control.

Act No. CXXII of 2013 concerning agricultural and forestry land trade.

Eastern Europe

This Act lays down rules regarding the acquisition of property rights of agricultural and forestry lands, the institution of usufruct right on such lands, the use of land, the control on restrictions relative to the acquisition of land, and rules regarding local land commissions. This Act applies to all land in the national territory.

Loi n° 2013-001du 14 janvier 2013 portant code foncier et domanial en République du Bénin.

Western Africa

Le présent code comprend 543 articles répartis en 10 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (Titre I); De la propriété (Titre II); De la protection et de la reconnaissance administrative du droit de propriété (Titre III); Des atteintes au droit de propriété (Titre IV); Du domaine immobilier de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales (Titre V); Des dispositions relatives aux terres rurales et coutumières (Titre VI); De la preuve et du contentieux foncier (Titre VII); Du cadre institutionnel de gestion du domaine et du foncier (Titre VIII); Des infractions et des sanctions (Titre IX); Des

Regional Law No. 22 amending Regional Law No. 45 “On land”.

Eastern Europe

Article 90 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In order to prevent negative anthropogenic impact upon protected areas, including state nature reserves, national parks, natural parks and nature monuments on adjacent land areas and waterbodies shall be constituted protection areas”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 45 “On land”. (2006-11-03)

Private Managed Forest Land Council Regulation, 2007 (B.C. Reg. 182/2007).

Northern America

The present Regulation is made under the Private Managed Forest Land Act. The Regulation provides for Council powers and administrative requirements , owner requirements with regard to: administration , soil conservation, structures and activities near streams, fish streams and water supply areas, reforestation. The text consists of 31 sections divided into 4 Divisions.

Implements: Private Managed Forest Land Act ([SBC 2003] Chapter 80). (2014-10-15)

Decree No. 68 of 2015 (III. 30.) of the Government specifying the tasks in the field of the agriculture of county level governmental offices.

Eastern Europe

This Decree states that the minister in charge of agricultural affairs shall excersise the powers of controlling and techical supervision of county governmental offices in respect of food-chain control, forestry, hunting, fishery, animal protection, wine production, plant production, soil protection, animal breeding, agricultural damage valuation and agricultural administration. The National Food-chain Safety Office shall contribute to the excersice of the minister's technical governing powers.