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Regional Law No. 441-OZ “On some issues of granting of forest land plots to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; and (c) other agricultural activities – 5 ha.

Regional Law No. 11-RZ "On protection of urban forests".

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of protection, management and reproduction of urban forests with a view of creation of favourable environment for the population. The role of urban forests shall be as follows: (a) recreational, ecological, aesthetic, sanitary and other protection functions; (b) tourism and sport. In case of planning of economic activities on areas under urban forests reforestation and forest conservation arrangements shall be envisaged.

Loi sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (LFCN).

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour buts d’exécuter la législation forestière fédérale, de désigner les autorités d’application et de fixer leurs compétences. Elle vise également: a) à favoriser une gestion optimale des forêts; b) à promouvoir l’utilisation du bois d’origine indigène; c) à assurer un traitement sylvicole adapté aux conditions naturelles et aux fonctions de la forêt.

Law No. 169-Z “On the objects pertaining to exclusive state property and types of activities that can be carried out exclusively by the state.”

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Law shall be to protect public interests with a view of ensuring territorial integrity, national, economic and energetic security, social protection of the population, environmental protection, rational management of natural resources and conservation of historical and cultural heritage.

Field and Forestry Land Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to the reorganization of field and forestry land. The Law contains at the outset a definition clause relating to various terms employed therein, such as for example, “field”, “forest”, “land owner”, “beneficiary”, “private path”, “right of entry”.

Forestry Act (Northern-Ireland) 2010 (Chapter 10).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

This Act provides for the management and protection of forest resources in Northern Ireland. It, among other things, specifies functions and powers of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, provides for the protection of trees from damage and provides for restrictions on the felling of trees.The Department shall promote forestry on a wider footing than the traditional primary role of developing afforestation, the supply of timber, and the maintenance of reserves of growing trees.

Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010 (No. 16 of 2010).


This Decree establishes the Mahogany Industry Council and provides for the continuation of the Fiji Mahogany Trust, which was established as a body corporate under section 5 of the Fiji Mahogany Act 2003 for the benefit of landowners and the Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited, transformed into a privatised Company for the purposes of developing the mahogany industry in Fiji, including the harvesting and processing of mahogany forests.

Forestry Rights Registration and Timber Harvest Guarantee Act (No. 28 of 2000).


This Act regulates the definition, granting, transfer and registration of forestry rights in land, i.e.: (a) an interest in the land pursuant to which a person having the benefit of the interest is entitled to enter the land and do all or any of the following: (i) to establish, maintain, and harvest a crop of trees on the land; (ii) to maintain and harvest a crop of trees on the land; (iii) to construct and use such buildings, works and facilities as required for crop management; or (b) a carbon sequestration right in respect of the land; or (c) a combination of such rights, and provides fo

Presidential Decree No. 115 validating rates of payment for timber extraction in public forests and rate of payment for citizens extracting timber in accordance with purchase and sale contract of forest species.

Eastern Europe

This Presidential Decree validates rates of payment for timber extraction in public forests and rate of payment for citizens extracting timber in accordance with purchase and sale contract of forest species. In case of cleaning cutting, referring to cutting of dead or damaged standing timber rate of payment shall be reduced by 50 percent and in other types of cleaning cutting rate of payment shall be reduced by 30 percent. Rate of payment includes land tax.

Regional Law No. 76-OZ “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests located on urban land. Urban forests shall be registered within the boundaries of urban areas and shall be destined for recreation of the population and conservation of favourable environment. Forested urban land parcels of particular environmental protection, scientific, cultural and historic value can be classified as protected areas.

Regional Law No. 379-KZ “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be conservation and improvement of environmental, protective and other beneficial qualities of urban forests. Urban forest shall not be included in state forest fund, but shall be classified as public forest managed by regional administration. Urban forest management must ensure: (a) ecosystem preservation; (b) improvement of forest species composition; (c) conservation of wild fauna and wild flora species; (d) combating pests and diseases; and (e) recreational use of forests.