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Trust Land (Kwale) (Grazing) Rules (L.N. 625 of 1963).

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the keeping or grazing of donkeys, cattle, sheep and goats in those parts of Trust land in the Kwale area. Only persons normally residing in the area shall keep or depasture any livestock upon land in the area. Other persons shall obtain a licence from the licensing officer, but a holder of a licence shall be entitled to keep or depasture not more than ten head of cattle or an equivalent number of donkeys, sheep or goats.

Implements: Trust Land Act (Cap. 288). (1974)

Trust Land (Lambwe Valley) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the occupation of land, the cultivation of land and the herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to these Rules. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licensing for the occupation and cultivation of land and the herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine and shall be assisted by a committee established under these Rules.

Trust Land (Makueni Area) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in the Schedule to these Rules. A person shall only occupy land or possess, herd or depasture any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, mule, donkey or swine if registered with the Settlement Officer. The Settlement Officer shall be advised on questions covered by these Rules by a committee appointed by him or her under these Rules. A registered person may occupy such area of land and keep a number of stock as is indicated in the register.

Trust Land (Meru Concessional Area) Rules (L.N. 625/1963).

Eastern Africa

These Rules provide for the licensing of the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or camel in the Meru Concessional Area as defined in the Schedule to these Rules. Every licence shall be in the form as set out in the Second Schedule. Licences shall be granted by the Settlement Officer who shall keep a register of licensees. A licence shall entitle the licensee to occupy and use land defined in the licence subject to conditions set out in these Rules.

Implements: Trust Land Act (Cap. 288). (1974)

Trust Land (North Yatta, Yatta Plateau and Ithanga) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules, made under section 64 of the Government Lands Act and deemed to have been made under section 65 of the Trust Lands Act, regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 4 to the Government Lands Act. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licences for the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or poultry and domestic animals and shall be assisted by a committee established under these Rules.

Trust Land (Olenguruone) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the possession, herding and grazing of stock in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. The Settlement Officer shall decide on the granting of licences for the possession, herding and grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or poultry and domestic animals and shall be assisted by a committee established under these Rules. The Settlement Officer shall keep a register of licensees.

Trust Land (Shimba Hills) Rules.

Eastern Africa

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. A person shall only occupy land on the basis of a valid licence to be issued by the Settlement Officer of a valid lease. A licence shall also be required for the possession, herding or grazing of any bull, cow, bullock heifer, calf, ox, sheep, goat, mule, donkey, swine or poultry and domestic animals. The Settlement Officer shall keep a register of licensees.

Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system. Laws that pertain to lands designated as forest lands, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity protected lands, environmental and natural resource conservation and preservation areas shall not be affected by this Proclamation. The Proclamation, among other things: provides for survey, registration, certification etc.

Announcement No. 39 of 2009 of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China laying down the Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Livestock and Poultry Production (National Environmental Protection Standard H...

Eastern Asia

The purpose of this Standard is to implement the Environmental Protection Law, prevent and control environmental pollution, protect human health, and protect the ecological environment.This standard specifies requirements for the water environment quality, soil environmental quality, ambient air quality and environmental quality evaluation index, limit value, monitoring and evaluation method of various livestock and poultry breeding areas. This standard only applies to livestock and poultry farms, livestock breeding areas and grazing areas permitted by law.

Resolución Nº 5.200 - Aprueba modificación al Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano.

South America

Mediante las presentes disposiciones se aprueba el nuevo Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano y se establecen los requisitos para el uso de Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano.

Ministerial Decree No. 814 validating Veterinary and sanitary regulation.

Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of carrying out veterinary and sanitary arrangements in accordance with veterinary norms and standards that are compulsory for all natural and legal persons. Veterinary arrangements shall be intended complex of antiepizootic measures and procedures aimed at protection of animal health, prevention and liquidation of the outbreak of animal diseases. Agricultural animals must be kept clinically healthy and comply with basic physiological indices in accordance with veterinary recommendations and regulations.