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A SWOT Analysis Approach for a Sustainable Transition to Renewable Energy in South Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020
South Africa

South Africa is been faced with erratic power supply, resulting in persistent load shedding due to ageing in most of its coal-fired power plants. Associated with generating electricity from fossil fuel are environmental consequences such as greenhouse emissions and climate change. On the other hand, the country is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources that can potentially ameliorate its energy needs.

The Urban Environment Impact of Climate Change Study and Proposal of the City Micro-Environment Improvement

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

The water management of cities and villages faces many challenges. Aging infrastructure systems operate for many years after their theoretical lifetime (operation) with a very high need for reconstruction and repair. The solution is proper rainwater management. The investigated area is part of the cadastral area of the Nitra city. This article is based on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) as tools in proposing water retention measures that are needed to improve the microenvironment of the city.

Implementation of Indigenous Knowledge on Local Spatial Management: A Case Study in Orchid Island (Lanyu), Taiwan

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

Spatial management consists of land property and land use management, both on land and in the ocean. From the perspective of ‘social-ecological systems’, local spatial management represented the resilience of adaptation that indigenous knowledge and environment change were interrelated. This study aims to extract critical components that contribute to the dynamic maintenance of the stability and sustainability of local spatial management.

Czekanowski’s Diagram and Spatial Data Cluster Analysis for Planning Sustainable Development of Rural Areas

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

Defects in the spatial structure of agricultural land resulting from the common phenomenon of land fragmentation constitute one of the most important factors that contribute to the lack of rational land management. Reconstruction of the spatial structure of rural areas is essential for their sustainable development. The process of land consolidation is a tool that can arrange space and lead to the desired structural changes. It is reasonable to select objects for land consolidation in such a way as to obtain the best possible effect.

Responding to Climate-Induced Displacement in Bangladesh: A Governance Perspective

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

Population displacement by extreme weather events have long plagued Bangladesh, a low-lying disaster-prone river delta. The country experiences yearly displacement of approximately one million people and losses of about 1% of its gross domestic product due to cyclones, floods, and riverbank erosion. This study examines how the Bangladesh government has managed climate-induced displacement with a particular focus on socioeconomic development policies.

Strengthening Accountability for Responsible Land Governance: Linking Governance of Tenure to Human Rights

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2020

While there is no universal right to land enshrined in existing human rights treaties, access to land is intrinsically linked to the achievement of human rights. For example, the right to food, adequate housing, property and equality and non-discrimination are of special concern for smallholder farmers, pastoralists, women, and other marginalized groups. In this regard, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the context of national food security (VGGT) is considered a milestone document.

Towards Elimination Of Corruption In The Land Sector: Incorporation Of Geospatial Technologies In Land Governance At The Local Level

декабря, 2020

Context and backgroundIn the wake of rapid urbanization and population growth, there is much contestation with the ownership and use of land globally, especially in Africa. It is widely acknowledged that the implementation of sustainable land governance is an antidote to tackling land-related conflicts (mostly as a result of multiple sales of land), engendered land access, among others. However, land governance in Ghana is challenged with inefficiencies and corruption being paramount amidst the implementation of other interventions.

Impacts Of Socio-Political Organisational Structures Underpinning Indigenous Land Tenure Systems: Evidence From Ghana

декабря, 2020

 To benefit from the underutilised potential of urban land resources, the introduction and improvement of land registration and cadastral systems have been advocated. However, evidence from empirical research in a number of developing economies including those in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to show mixed or inconclusive outcomes from the implementation and operations of such systems.

Land Tenure Systems’ Assessment Evaluation: Case Study Of Cote D’Ivoire

декабря, 2020

In Cote d’Ivoire, as in many African countries, social tensions are frequently linked to a crisis of the rule of property law. These socio-legal conflicts are referred to by various names depending on their subject matter or the time and place in which they arise: law crises, the weakness of the State apparatus, the unsuitability and failure of institutions, and so on. However, in the majority of cases, these conflicts stem from a common phenomenon: weak land tenure security, or more precisely, land insecurity.

Over Promising While Under Delivering: Implementation Of Kenya’S Community Land Act

декабря, 2020

Kenya’s constitution of 2010 provides for recognition, protection, and registration of community land. This is significant because it recognizes customary tenure after decades of historical bias towards private property and brings to the fore the uniqueness of the African commons. We revisit the debate on managing communal land by reviewing the process of implementation of the Community Land. The paper is based on a review of the legal framework, discussions on the implementation of the Community Land Act and authors interaction with communities through workshops.

The Land Rights, Climate Justice And Gender Equality Conundrum: Human Rights Strategies And Practice

декабря, 2020
United States of America

Climate change-related threats and land insecurities are increasingly impacting upon disadvantaged communities, especially women. In the context of evolving land policy discourse and priorities, intertwined land tenure, climate change, and gender equality require reference to global normative human rights and development frameworks. Human Rights treaties, the Paris Agreement, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda, among others have strategic policy implications.