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Cameroun : l’or, secteur miné

Reports & Research
октября, 2022

Le Cameroun est favorable à l’exploitation minière, pour promouvoir le développement national. Cette option a entraîné la création de nouvelles catégories de permis, intermédiaires entre la mine industrielle et l’artisanat minier : la petite mine, et la mine artisanale semi-mécanisée. Situation qui a conduit à la présence, dans diverses Régions du Cameroun, d’un nombre important d’exploitants, et à une confusion dans l’esprit des communautés sur le statut et la nature des opérations minières se déroulant dans leur terroir.

Land Degradation and Conflict: Case studies from Sudan, Jordan and Niger

Reports & Research
сентября, 2022

Avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation is essential for the food security of current and future generations, for the conservation of biodiversity and the achievement of climate targets. In the current context of increased competition over land resources, rising food insecurity, and inequalities, combating land degradation is also necessary to prevent and mitigate conflict and mass displacement, which risk to destabilise countries and entire regions.

Peacebuilding -The Gambia

июля, 2022

In 2021, the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission in the Gambia, which enjoys a 90 per cent public approval rating, according to a 2021 survey, completed its three-year mandate. It submitted a 17-volume final report to the President in November 2021, which was made public on 24 December. During its tenure, the Commission held 23 public hearings and received more than 2,500 statements with support from a $4.7 million project implemented by UNDP and OHCHR.

Rwanda and the DRC at Risk of War as New M23 Rebellion Emerges: An Explainer

Reports & Research
июня, 2022
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The precipitous escalation of the security crisis in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) risks reigniting interstate conflict in the Great Lakes region. The myriad actors and interests involved, however, often defy easy analysis. To help clarify what is driving the worsening security situation, the Africa Center for Strategic Studies compiled this explainer drawing on the insights of multiple exper

Gobernanza Ambiental, una estrategia para superar las desigualdades en territorios campesinos e indígenas de tierras bajas de Bolivia.

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2022

En los últimos años, la Chiquitanía, Chaco y la Amazonia han experimentado recurrentes eventos climáticos adversos, pero también, los territorios campesinos e indígenas están fuertemente presionados por el avance del modelo agroindustrial. Bolivia, actualmente presenta las mayores tasas de deforestación y cambio de uso de los suelos de la región, por la ampliación de la frontera agropecuaria (monocultivo oleaginosas y ganadería extensiva).

Relations entre le colloque sur le foncier et la conférence sur l'autosuffisance alimentaire

Reports & Research
мая, 2022

Une lettre du Président de la République Malgache sur la sécurisation foncière datée du 25 mai 2022 a annoncé le rétablissement des droits fonciers des occupants des propriétés foncières privées non titrées (PPNT) qui avaient été mis à mal par la loi 2021-016. La confirmation devrait être officialisée par le vote d’un nouveau texte par les députés et sénateurs avant la fin de la session parlementaire début juillet. Cette lettre a également annoncé l’organisation d’un Colloque National sur le Foncier du 8 au 10 juin.

Assurer la Participation des Femmes dans la Foresterie Communautaire

Reports & Research
мая, 2022
République démocratique du Congo
Guinée équatoriale

Les forêts communautaires ont été invoquées pour la première fois lors de la réforme de la loi de 1994 sur les forêts au Cameroun. Ceci dans le but de permettre aux communautés d’avoir un espace qu’elles pourraient gérer de manière participative et dans lequel elles pourraient mener des activités dans le cadre d’une convention signée avec l’Etat, à travers le ministère des forêts et de la faune (MINFOF).

Lisez le rapport ici

BTI 2022 Country Report Armenia

Reports & Research
апреля, 2022

The crucial event in the reporting period was undoubtedly Armenia’s war with Azerbaijan. On September 27, 2020 Azerbaijan started its war on Nagorno-Karabakh, a long-disputed region called Artsakh in Armenia, which lasted for 44 days. It ended on November 10, 2020, when Russia facilitated a cease-fire, apparently just after the Azerbaijani forces had captured most of the territories occupied by Armenia in the previous war in the early 1990s, plus a major chunk of Nagorno-Karabakh proper.

BTI 2022 Country Report Azerbaijan

Reports & Research
апреля, 2022

During the reporting period, the consolidation of authoritarian rule in Azerbaijan continued. Snap parliamentary elections in February 2020 did not meet international standards for free and fair competition. However, some notorious high-ranking state officials were fired, and corrupt local level administrators detained on corruption charges. These developments, in addition to the appointment of some young professionals to ministerial posts, raised hopes for a possible opening of the country to real reforms and changes.

Double dispossession? A history of land and mining in South Africa's former homelands

Reports & Research
марта, 2022
South Africa


This is the PDF version of an online data story published by Land Portal on 28 April 2022.

Colonial and apartheid land dispossession in South Africa was the most extensive of any country in sub-saharan Africa. Despite a land reform programme initiated after the transition to democracy in 1994, equitable access to land remains an unresolved question in both urban and rural areas.

Housing, land and property rights as war financing commodities: A typology with lessons from Darfur, Colombia and Syria

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2022
Latin America and the Caribbean
Western Asia

The ongoing use of landscape-based conflict commodities — diamonds and other minerals, timber, wildlife, etc. — to finance wars continues to evolve. The success with which such commodities can be transacted to support militaries, militias and insurgencies has led belligerents to innovate with additional commodities. Housing, land and property (HLP) rights within war zones have belatedly joined the list of conflict commodities that are subject to transaction, and to such an extent as to warrant significant concern.