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PROTEGER NUESTRA CASA COMÚN: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica

Reports & Research
сентября, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

La publicación, denominada «Proteger nuestra casa común: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica»,  tiene como base una investigación realizada entre el 2019 y el 2021 acerca de las tendencias actuales de abusos de derechos humanos y medioambientales a los que se enfrentan los defensores y las defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH) en seis países de Latinoamérica: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú.

PROTEGER NUESTRA CASA COMÚN: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica

Reports & Research
сентября, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

La publicación, denominada «Proteger nuestra casa común: Defensoras y defensores de la tierra y del medioambiente en Latinoamérica»,  tiene como base una investigación realizada entre el 2019 y el 2021 acerca de las tendencias actuales de abusos de derechos humanos y medioambientales a los que se enfrentan los defensores y las defensoras de derechos humanos (DDH) en seis países de Latinoamérica: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú.

Strengthening Accountability for Responsible Land Governance: Linking Governance of Tenure to Human Rights

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2021

In a new paper, written with a colleague from the Danish Institute for Human Rights, TMG researchers Anna Kramer and Frederike Klümper, and TMG Managing Director Alexander Müller, make a case for adopting human rights-based monitoring approaches that strengthen the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests (VGGT), and ultimately support responsible land governance.

The true price of palm oil

Reports & Research
сентября, 2021
Papua New Guinea

The climate crisis is no longer projection, but reality. Forests play a key role in regulating the global climate and are critical to preventing runaway global heating. They are also a treasure trove of biological diversity, and home to many indigenous peoples and forest communities. Yet forests continue to be burned and destroyed at an alarming rate. The primary driver of deforestation is agribusiness, with palm oil a chief culprit.

Heritage and territorial disputes in the Armenia–Azerbaijan conflict: a comparative analysis of the carpet museums of Baku and Shusha

Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2021

On 27 September 2020, Azerbaijan went to war with Armenia on a scale not seen since the ceasefire of 1994. The conflict ended in another cease- fire on 10 November 2020, however, in addition to the theatre of war, the conflict has been prosecuted and continues to be fought post-ceasefire, through claims to cultural heritage which are employed in international organisations to substantiate the legitimacy of territorial claims.

L’accès aux ressources pastorales dans les régions agricoles d’Afrique de l’Ouest

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
августа, 2021
Afrique occidentale

Dans les savanes soudaniennes d’Afrique de l’Ouest, les surfaces cultivées s’étendent au détriment des pâturages, et beaucoup d’éleveurs rencontrent des difficultés croissantes à accéder aux ressources pastorales. Lorsque la pression foncière s’accroît, ils partent pour des régions où les pâturages demeurent, pour le moment, plus abondants. Une telle stratégie risque de ne

Centre du Mali: l’accord de Niono, d’un espoir de paix durable à la résurgence du conflit

Policy Papers & Briefs
августа, 2021

Cet article s'attachera à analyser la situation du conflit entre les djihadistes de Katiba Macina et les donsos dans la zone de Niono (région de Ségou, centre du Mali), ainsi que le processus qui a conduit à l'accord de paix entre les belligérants. La dynamique du conflit dans le centre et l'accord de paix permettent de comprendre les rouages complexes de la violence dans le centre du Mali.

Insécurité au Burkina Faso – au-delà des minerais de conflit

Reports & Research
августа, 2021
Burkina Faso

L’hypothèse selon laquelle l’escalade de la violence au Burkina Faso est causée par l’augmentation concomitante de l’exploitation aurifère a, dans certains cas, conduit les autorités à fermer des mines. Nous soutenons que l’escalade de la violence doit plutôt être considérée comme le résultat de tendances de longue date telles que le désengagement de l’État, la dépendance économique croissante à l’or et la privatisation progressive de la sécurité.

The Significance Of The Land Issue Has Not Yet Been Realized By The Authorities Of Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
августа, 2021

By creating a land commission, the Kazakh authorities managed to bring down the protest rallies in 2016, when, under pressure from citizens, the government was forced to abandon the sale and lease of land to foreigners. The goal of the national patriots was achieved, but the key issue for the citizens remained unresolved – the mechanism and procedures for the return of land to the people of Kazakhstan, sold by the authorities as a result of massive corruption deals and now belonging to oligarchs – “land barons”, has not been created by law.

LAND-at-scale Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2021

This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and IDLO, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency. 

Strategies To Address Challenges In Customary Land Administration, Governance And Dispute Resolution In Papua New Guinea

Reports & Research
июня, 2021
Papua New Guinea

Customary land is increasingly recognised as an important governance issue in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
The aim of this paper is to identify challenges associated with land administration, land governance and land
dispute resolution in PNG as perceived by stakeholders; and to find potential strategies for promoting bankable
customary land titles. From the 2019 National Land Summit, a need for a new approach that is theoretically
better anchored in the current debate on bankable customary land leases has been identified. This paper builds