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Assessing the economic benefits of sustainable land management practices in Bhutan

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Southern Asia

This study was conducted with the objective of determining the returns to sustainable land management (SLM) at the national level in Bhutan. The study first uses satellite data on land change (Landsat) to examine land use change in 1990–2010 and its impact on sediment loading in hydroelectric power plants. The study then uses the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to analyze the impact of land use change and land management on sediment loading. The results from the land use change and SWAT analyses are used to assess the economic benefits of SLM.

Low emission development strategies for agriculture and other land uses: The case of Colombia

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014
South America

The purpose of the work presented in this report is to demonstrate that policymakers have tools at their disposal that provide significant help in the evaluation of trade-offs, opportunities, and repercussions of the policies under consideration. This report focuses on Colombia, however the analytical framework can be applied to any country interested in exploring country-wide effects and economic viability of policies that aim to reduce GHG emissions from agriculture. Results provided in this study should be seen as an example of the potential applications of the framework developed.

2014 Global hunger index: The challenge of hidden hunger

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Eastern Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

With one more year before the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the 2014 Global Hunger Index report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The state of hunger in developing countries as a group has improved since 1990, falling by 39 percent, according to the 2014 GHI.

Synopsis of 2014 Global hunger index: The challenge of hidden hunger

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

The 2014 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report—the ninth in an annual series—presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger. It shows that the world has made progress in reducing hunger since 1990, but still has far to go, with levels of hunger remaining “alarming” or “extremely alarming” in 16 countries. This year’s report focuses on a critical aspect of hunger that is often overlooked: hidden hunger. Also known as micronutrient deficiency, hidden hunger affects more than an estimated 2 billion people globally.

The challenge of Africa’s nitrogen drought: Some indicators from the Malawian experience

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Southern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Years of continuous cultivation with little or no use of external inputs to restore soil nutrients has resulted in a situation in which crop production in a number of African countries is now limited by nutrient deficiencies – nitrogen, in particular, which is crucial to healthy plant growth. This widespread problem has been described as a “nitrogen drought”. Attempts to remedy this situation using only organic inputs have largely failed to keep up with the rate of nutrient loss.

Synopse Welthunger-Index 2014: Herausforderung verborgener Hunger

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2014 stellt die nationale, regionale und weltweite Hungersituation zum neunten Mal in jahrlicher Folge multidimensional dar. Er zeigt, dass bei der globalen Hungerbekampfung seit 1990 Fortschritte erzielt werden konnten, jedoch angesichts sehr ernster oder gar gravierender Hungerwerte in 16 Landern noch immer groser Handlungsbedarf besteht. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Berichts liegt auf einem entscheidenden Aspekt des Hungers, der haufig ubersehen wird, dem verborgenen Hunger.

2014 Global hunger index by severity

декабря, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is based on three equally weighted indicators: > Undernourishment: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake); > Child underweight: the proportion of children younger than age five who are underweight (that is, have low weight for their age, reflecting wasting, stunted growth, or both), which is one indicator of child undernutrition; and > Child mortality: the mortality rate of children younger than age five (partially reflecting the fatal synergy o

Synthèse l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014: Le défi de la faim invisible

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014
Southern Asia
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
South America

Le rapport de l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014 – neuvieme edition – propose une mesure multidimensionnelle de la faim au niveau national, regional et mondial. Le GHI 2014 montre les progres effectues en matiere de reduction de la faim depuis 1990, mais des efforts restent a faire, le niveau de la faim restant alarmant voire extremement alarmant dans 16 pays. Cette annee, le GHI se concentre sur un aspect particulier de la faim souvent neglige : la faim invisible.

Foreign investment, law and sustainable development: A handbook on agriculture and extractive industries

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2014

Foreign investment in agriculture and extractive industries is increasing pressures on land and natural resources. This handbook is about how to use law to make foreign investment work for sustainable development. It aims to provide a rigorous yet accessible analysis of the law regulating foreign investment in low and middle-income countries – what this law is, how it works, and how to use it most effectively.