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Who suffers most from extreme weather events? Weather-related loss events in 2013 and 1994 to 2013

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

According to the Climate Risk Index, less developed countries are generally more affected than industrialised countries. The countries affected most in 2013 were the Philippines, Cambodia and India. For the period from 1994 to 2013 Honduras, Myanmar and Haiti rank highest. Regarding future climate change, the Climate Risk Index may serve as a red flag for already existing vulnerability that may further increase in regions where extreme events will become more frequent or more severe due to climate change.

Land Situation in Cambodia 2013

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In May 2012 Prime Minister Hun Sen issued Directive 001 (also known as Order 01BB) on ‘Measures to strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of management of economic land concessions (ELCs)’ announcing a moratorium on the granting of new ELCs, the review of existing ELCs and the implementation of the so-called “leopard-skin” (or “tiger-skin”) policy, with the aim to allow communities to live side by side with the concessions.

USAID Mekong ARCC climate change impact and adaptation study for the Lower Mekong Basin, protected areas

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

This report provides an outline of protected areas and biodiversity in the Lower Mekong Basin. The analysis contains an overview of threats to protected areas from climate change, as well as non-climate threats such as land concessions, infrastructure development, illegal activities, and agriculture.

Concession bibliography

декабря, 2014

The concession biography is compiled by the land and livelihood program of NGO Forum on Cambodia. A list of the publications and laws extends over various issues of (economic land/mining) concessions and its impact on the people livelihood, land conflict, land grabs, and the regional trends in South East Asia.

Natural Resources and Subnational Governments in Myanmar: Key considerations for wealth sharing

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2014

This report provides an overview of state and regional governments’ roles in natural resource governance, highlighting the mining, oil and gas, timber, and hydropower sectors. This report is the fourth volume in the Subnational Governance in Myanmar Discussion Paper Series, which aims to inform future analysis of the potential risks and benefits of changes to the role of subnational governments. This report is funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID).

Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and Access and Exclusion: Obstacles and Opportunities in Cambodia and Laos

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2014

Recently concerns have been raised regarding the potential for the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) framework to recentralize forests, potentially setting back efforts to institute localized and decentralized forms of natural resource management. Here, I apply a political ecology approach to consider access and exclusion to land and natural resources in the contexts of three emerging REDD projects in Cambodia and Laos.

Rubber Expansion and Forest Protection in Vietnam

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

The Government of Vietnam has identified the conversion of forests to plantations of industrial crops such as rubber as one of the five drivers of deforestation and degradation in the country. Presently, Vietnam is actively participating in various international initiatives such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Forest Law Enforcement, Governance, and Trade (FLEGT) programmes.

Rubber plantations expand in mountainous Southeast Asia: What are the consequences for the environment?

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

For centuries, farmers in the mountainous region of mainland Southeast Asia have practiced shifting cultivation, with plots of land cultivated temporarily and then allowed to revert to secondary forest for a fallow period. Today, more than one million hectares have been converted to rubber plantation. By 2050, the area under rubber trees in the montane regions of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and China's Yunnan Province is predicted to increase fourfold.

Trade in Illegal Timber: The Response in Vietnam

Reports & Research
декабря, 2014

SUMMARY: The Vietnamese government has made some progress towards tackling illegal logging and the associated trade. It has negotiated a voluntary partnership agreement (VPA) with the EU, a process that has prompted a review of relevant legislation and improved the government’s engagement with civil society. In addition, it has signed agreements with Lao PDR and Cambodia in which it has committed to coordination on forest management and trade. However, there has been little progress in policy reform, and there is still no legislation regulating illegal timber imports.