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Rapport spécial 13/2020: Biodiversité des terres agricoles: la contribution de la PAC n´a pas permis d´enrayer le déclin

Reports & Research
мая, 2020


En Europe, l'abondance et la variété des espèces animales présentes sur les terres agricoles – la «biodiversité des terres agricoles» – connaissent un déclin marqué. L'UE s'était pourtant engagée à enrayer la perte de biodiversité d'ici 2020. À cet effet, la Commission a prévu d'allouer 66 milliards d'euros au titre de la politique agricole commune entre 2014 et 2020.

Farming systems and Conservation Agriculture: Technology, structures and agency in Malawi

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is advocated as an agricultural innovation that will improve smallholder famer resilience to future climate change. Under the conditions presented by the El Niño event of 2015/16, the implementation of CA was examined in southern Malawi at household, district and national institutional levels. Agricultural system constraints experienced by farming households are identified, and in response the technologies, structures and agency associated with CA are evaluated.

Filets sociaux, des outils de résilience pertinents ?

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2020

La crise de la Covid-19 est venue confirmer l’importance pour les Etats de disposer d’outils d’aide réactifs en cas de choc (économique, climatique, sanitaire) pour appuyer leur population.Garantir la sécurité alimentaire des ménages, réduire la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité et soutenir le développement agricole demandent de mettre en place des mécanismes souples et mutualisables. En répondant à ces caractéristiques, les filets sociaux, en tant qu’outil d’assistance multiformes et multisectoriels, ont rencontré un franc succès dans les domaines humanitaires et de développement.

Reconstruire en mieux

Reports & Research
мая, 2020

COVID19 a gravement perturbé nos efforts communs visant à soutenir les luttes des utilisateurs locaux des terres et des communautés pour posséder, contrôler et gérer leurs terres et leurs ressources naturelles.

Agricultural Commercialisation in Northern Zimbabwe: Crises;Conjunctures and Contingencies;1890-2020

мая, 2020

This document presents results from the 8 April 2020 on-line conference on the impact of COVID-19 on small-scale farming;food security and sovereignty in the East African Community. There were 53 participants from 16 countries. The conference strongly acknowledged the contribution of small-scale farmers towards feeding the population during the time of COVID-19. Governments have tightened borders and restricted gatherings;but small-scale farmers often operate in groups. There is a lot of fear and uncertainty and most are staying away from their gardens in the planting season.

Old Ways, New Ways—Scaling Up from Customary Use of Plant Products to Commercial Harvest Taking a Multifunctional, Landscape Approach

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2020

Globally, the agricultural sector is facing many challenges in response to climate change, unsustainable farming practices and human population growth. Despite advances in technology and innovation in agriculture, governments around the world are recognizing a need for transformative agricultural systems that offer solutions to the interrelated issues of food security, climate change, and conservation of environmental and cultural values. Approaches to production are needed that are holistic and multisectoral.

Relations between Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity: Exploring the Effect of Land Registration

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2020

This paper reviews the scholarly literature discussing the effect(s) of land registration on the relations between land tenure security and agricultural productivity. Using 85 studies, the paper focuses on the regular claim that land registration’s facilitation of formal documents-based land dealings leads to investment in a more productive agriculture. The paper shows that this claim is problematic for three reasons. First, most studies offer no empirical evidence to support the claim on the above-mentioned effect.

Development of a land consolidation instrument in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Conference Papers & Reports
апреля, 2020

The Republic of Azerbaijan implemented during the late 1990s a land reform, which distributed the state owned agricultural land to the rural population but also led to excessive land fragmentation and small farm sizes. Agricultural and rural development is high on the political agenda in Azerbaijan and is seen as an important sector to development as part of an overall strategy of reducing dependency on income from oil production.


Reports & Research
апреля, 2020

Surge una preocupación por los impactos del COVID-19 en las agriculturas familiares campesinas. Sus relatos sostienen que no han recibido la ayuda humanitaria suficiente o el apoyo estatal acorde a la importancia de sus actividades. Esto agrava su situación de vulnerabilidad poniendo en riesgo su salud y vida. Sin duda, las medidas sanitarias implementadas para evitar la propagación del virus tienen consecuencias directas sobre el funcionamiento de los sistemas agroalimentarios y quienes lo sostienen: las familias campesinas e indígenas del país.