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2015 GRI Index

октября, 2015

This 2015 index of sustainability
indicators has been prepared in accordance with the
internationally recognized standard for sustainability
reporting Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and
complies with the ‘core option.’ The GRI Index provides an
overview of sustainability considerations within the World
Bank’s lending and analytical services as well as its
day-to-day operations and management of staff. The World

Mozambique Country Program Evaluation

октября, 2015

Since the cessation of conflict,
Mozambique has achieved impressive economic growth and has
become an example of successful post conflict reconstruction
and development, moving from a one-party state to a
multiparty democracy and from a socialist, command economy
to a market-based economy. Mozambique’s development has been
strongly supported by foreign aid, and since 2001 average
annual disbursements of official development assistance

The World Bank in Nepal, 2003-2008

октября, 2015

This report evaluates International
Development Association (IDA) support to Nepal during
2003-2008. IDA’s overarching goal during this period was to
support the Government’s efforts to reduce poverty and
improve human well-being. IDA focused on helping to foster
broad-based growth, social development, social inclusion,
and good governance. The evaluation highlights the need to
introduce greater realism into the country assistance

Timor-Leste Country Program Evaluation, 2000-2010

октября, 2015

This country program evaluation (CPE)
assesses the outcomes of the World Bank Group (WBG) program
in Timor-Leste during the review period (2000 to 2010). The
WBG’s strategy during this period was to support the
government of the nascent country in three broad areas: (a)
poverty alleviation and the provision of basic social
services, including health and education; (b) development of
state institutions, including creating good governance and

The World Bank Group in the West Bank and Gaza, 2001-2009

октября, 2015

This evaluation assesses the outcomes of
World Bank Group’s (WBG’s) development support to the West
Bank and Gaza for the period 2001-09. It covers the programs
of the World Bank - International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD), International Development
Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC),
and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). The
main objectives of the WBG program were broad, reflecting

The World Bank in Nigeria, 1998-2007

октября, 2015

This country assistance evaluation
assesses the outcomes of the World Banks program in Nigeria
during the period 1998–2007. The Country Assistance
Evaluation focuses on the objectives of that assistance and
the extent to which outcomes were consistent with those
objectives. It looks at the Banks contribution to the
achievement of those outcomes and at the lessons for the
Banks future activities in Nigeria and in other countries.

Uganda Country Assistance Evaluation, 2001-2007

октября, 2015

The World Bank’s assistance strategies
showed strong client orientation and were aligned with
Uganda’s poverty reduction strategy. The programs were
substantially effective in decentralization, public sector
reform, growth and economic transformation, education, and
water and sanitation. However, more could have been done to
help counter the perception of increasing corruption,
improve power supply, reduce transport costs, enhance

Toward New Sources of Competitiveness in Bangladesh

сентября, 2015

The Diagnostic Trade Integration Study identifies the following actions centered around four pillars to sustain and accelerate export growth: (1) breaking into new markets through a) better trade logistics to reduce delivery lags; as world markets become more competitive and newer products demand shorter lead times, to generate new sources of competitiveness and thereby enable market diversification; and b) better exploitation of regional trading opportunities in nearby growing and dynamic markets, especially East and South Asia; (2) breaking into new products through a) more neutral and ra

Measuring Land Rights for a Sustainable Future

Reports & Research
сентября, 2015

Examines recent progress on developing indicators to measure land rights as part of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2016. Argues that the current proposed indicators are too narrow and that a more appropriate indicator, which has achieved a high level of consensus, should be adopted by the UN. This would directly measure the land rights of women and men as well as indigenous peoples and local communities. It would also cover a range of land, property and natural resources rather than simply agricultural land and would focus on secure rights rather than ownership.

Brazil Land Governance Assessment

сентября, 2015

This report on the assessment of land
governance in Brazil summarizes and discusses the results of
a series of standardized self-assessments of the land
governance situation in Brazil, conducted entirely by
Brazilian speakers. Therefore, these findings represent the
perception of local experts based on their experience of
news and data available. The main aim of this report are
federal and state authorities directly involved in land

Linking Women with Agribusiness in Zambia

сентября, 2015

Three of sub-Saharan Africa’s central
economic realities motivate this study. First, agriculture
is the most important sector in most African economies, on
average accounting for nearly one-fourth of GDP. Second, the
private sector is increasingly active in transforming
African agriculture and economies. By 2030, agriculture and
agribusiness are anticipated to become a US$ 1 trillion
industry in Africa, delivering more jobs, income, and

Review of Logistics Service Regulations for Freight Forwarding Businesses

сентября, 2015

Regulatory frameworks on logistics
regulations are often opaque, especially in developing
countries, because of the complex nature of logistics
services. World Bank client countries have faced difficulty
finding the issues that hinder them from improving logistics
competence. Therefore, it is beneficial to understand how
the logistics service industry is regulated and what should
be addressed in building the regulatory framework to improve