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Fair compensation in large-scale land acquisitions: Fair or fail?

Peer-reviewed publication
сентября, 2023

Despite the existence of a legal framework defining the right to fair compensation, and notwithstanding the vast literature on transnational and domestic land deals, no theory has been developed so far to allow for a specific analysis of the economics of fair compensation in large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs), limiting our understanding of the underlying reasons of success or failure of this important legal protection mechanism.

Special Economic Zones in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle: Opportunities for Collaboration

Reports & Research
января, 2022

Mapping out and assessing the economic performance of SEZs across the subregion, the publication highlights the threats they face from digital technologies, rising competition for foreign investment and international trade standoffs. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, it details a range of practical steps designed to increase trade, create jobs, and build economic resilience across the three countries.

Weak Land Governance, Fraud and Corruption: Fertile Ground for Land Grabbing

Reports & Research
ноября, 2021

Fraud and corruption are the main enabling mechanisms for land abuses in Brazil, guaranteeing impunity for land grabbers and other public and private agents involved in these schemes. This is what is evidenced in the research report, “Weak land governance, fraud and corruption: fertile ground for land grabbing,” which systematizes for the first time the relationship between these issues. Thereby, the study seeks to understand precisely why and how corruption and fraud associated with land grabbing occur.  


Reports & Research
ноября, 2021

O termo “grilagem” remete à prática antiga de forjar um título de propriedade e colocá-lo em uma gaveta com grilos para amarelar o documento, conferindo a aparência de um documento legitimo. As táticas se modernizaram, persistindo diversas práticas, conhecidas como grilagem, que buscam fraudar títulos e invadir terras com o objetivo de apropriar- -se indevidamente de áreas tanto públicas quanto particulares, muitas vezes com o auxílio de agentes corruptos, sejam eles da esfera pública ou privada.

Implications of Compulsory Land Acquisition on Socio-Economic Conditions of Project Affected People. The Case of Kipawa Airport Expansion Project in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2020

Compulsory land acquisition tool facilitates obtaining of land for provision of infrastructures and development projects. Its successful implementation requires adoption of good governance merits such as participation, transparency, rule of law and accountability for better livelihood rebuilding of project affected people.

Land Corruption in Africa in 3 Topics

Reports & Research
августа, 2019

From July 17 to August 7, 2019, the Land Portal Foundation, the African Land Policy Center, GIZ and Transparency International Chapters in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda co-facilitated the dialogue Land Corruption in Africa addressing the role of traditional leaders in customary land administration, forced evictions as a form of land corruption and its Impact on women’s land rights and an analysis of alternative dispute resolution systems in addressing land corruption.

Resettlement Policy Framework. Vientiane

Policy Papers & Briefs
августа, 2019

This document is the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the second Lao Road Sector Project Additional Financing (LRSP2-AF, AF, or the Project) and is being proposed for possible financing from the World Bank (WB). The proposed Project (LRSP2-AF) builds on the achievements of the second Lao Road Sector Project (LRSP2) and is being prepared to support the Government of Lao PDR (GoL) in the management of the Lao road network. The Project will finance civil works in the form of routine and periodic maintenance and spot improvement to strengthen road climate resilient.

Consent is Everybody's Business: Why banks need to act on free, prior and informed consent

Reports & Research
июля, 2019
South Africa
United States of America
Papua New Guinea

A community’s choice to give, or withhold, their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) to a project or activity planned to take place on their land is a recognized right of Indigenous peoples under international law. It is also a best practice principle that applies to all communities affected by projects or activities on the land, water and forests that they rely on.

Webinar Report: Land in Post-Conflict Settings

Reports & Research
мая, 2019

Post-war societies not only have to deal with continuing unpeaceful relations but also land-related conflict legacies, farmland and forest degradation, heavily exploited natural resources, land mines, a destroyed infrastructure, as well as returning refugees and ex-combatants. In the aftermath of war, access to and control of land often remains a sensitive issue which may precipitate tensions and lead to a renewed destabilization of volatile post-conflict situations.

Compulsory Land Acquisition in Afghanistan: Does the Law Meet World Bank Standards on Involuntary Resettlement?

Reports & Research
апреля, 2019

This paper examines how far Afghanistan’s Land Acquisition Law complies with standards required for World Bank financing of public interest projects that unavoidably extinguish or diminish existing land rights in the project area. For this purpose, the law was compared with standards laid down in World Bank ESS5 on Involuntary Settlement. Additional reference was made to ESS1 on social risk and impact assessment, and to ESS7, in regard to communities whose socio-culture and livelihoods rely distinctively and historically upon collectively-based tenure or land use.

Understanding Land in the Context of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: A Brief History of Land in Economics

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean

In economics, land has been traditionally assumed to be a fixed production factor, both in terms of quantity supplied and mobility, as opposed to capital and labor, which are usually considered to be mobile factors, at least to some extent. Yet, in the last decade, international investors have expressed an unexpected interest in farmland and in land-related investments, with the demand for land brusquely rising at an unprecedented pace.

Compulsory Land Acquisition and Good Governance: An Assessment of the Luguruni Satellite Town Project in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2018

Despite a comprehensive regulatory framework on land matters, compulsory land acquisition in Tanzania has been associated with complaints and delays in compensation payments an indication that good governance principles might not be under serious consideration.