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Effects of the Most Appropriate Proportion of Phytohormones on Tree-Ring Growth in Clones of Hybrid Larch

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

The increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration promotes its accumulation in trees by regulating the synthesis and transportation genes for endogenous hormones, such as IAA and GA, which are key factors in regulating various life activities, including growth rings.

Evaluation of General Circulation Models CMIP6 Performance and Future Climate Change over the Omo River Basin, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

One of the world’s major issues is climate change, which has a significant impact on ecosystems, human beings, agricultural productivity, water resources, and environmental management. The General Circulation Models (GCMs), specially the recently released (coupled model intercomparison project six) CMIP6 are very indispensable to understand and support decision makers to identify adaptation strategies in response to future climate change in a basin. However, proper selection of skillful GCMs and future climate assessment is a prior task to climate impact studies.

Effects of the Most Appropriate Proportion of Phytohormones on Tree-Ring Growth in Clones of Hybrid Larch

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

The increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration promotes its accumulation in trees by regulating the synthesis and transportation genes for endogenous hormones, such as IAA and GA, which are key factors in regulating various life activities, including growth rings.

Evaluation of General Circulation Models CMIP6 Performance and Future Climate Change over the Omo River Basin, Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

One of the world’s major issues is climate change, which has a significant impact on ecosystems, human beings, agricultural productivity, water resources, and environmental management. The General Circulation Models (GCMs), specially the recently released (coupled model intercomparison project six) CMIP6 are very indispensable to understand and support decision makers to identify adaptation strategies in response to future climate change in a basin. However, proper selection of skillful GCMs and future climate assessment is a prior task to climate impact studies.

Effects of the Most Appropriate Proportion of Phytohormones on Tree-Ring Growth in Clones of Hybrid Larch

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

The increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration promotes its accumulation in trees by regulating the synthesis and transportation genes for endogenous hormones, such as IAA and GA, which are key factors in regulating various life activities, including growth rings.

Entrepreneurial Potential and Agribusiness Desirability among Youths in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector remains for youth a key pillar for income creation. However, few are attracted by agribusiness despite stakeholders’ efforts toward engaging youth in agriculture. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial potential characteristics and youth desirability to start an enterprise in agriculture among 514 young people in Eastern DRC.

The Impact of Formal Agricultural Credit on Farm Productivity and Its Utilization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

Agricultural mechanization and the use of mixed inputs ensure higher productivity. In this regard, the Government of Pakistan has executed an approach for the provision of agricultural credit to smallholders for improving agricultural production. However, many issues are involved in the extent, utilization and impacts of credit. This study aims to explore the impact of credit, its utilization, misuse and factors determining the extent of agricultural credit in Pakistan. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed to collect data from 316 farmers in Mardan District.

Why Do Farmers Support Stable Land Ownership? Marketization with Chinese Characteristics

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

Recent debates regarding marketization have focused on the relationship between the state and the market, while the grassroots and their everyday experiences have arguably been understudied. In this paper, we study marketization with the example of land marketization in China. Out of concern for the grassroots’ perspective, we investigate Chinese farmers’ perceptions with regard to stable land ownership of farmland, which are essential for land marketization in the backdrop of intensive land use conversion in China’s urban periphery.

Determinants of Health Management Practices’ Utilization and Its Effect on Poultry Farmers’ Income in Ondo State, Nigeria

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

Nigeria is the second largest poultry industry in Africa, with its poultry industry the most commercialized livestock sub-sector. Despite its significance, the farmers still experience economic losses due to disease outbreaks. Hence, the application of standard Health Management Practices (HMPs) is very important, as these practices improve the welfare of animals and increase animal production and farmers’ income. This paper examined the determinants of HMP’s utilization and its effect on poultry farmers’ income in Ondo State, Nigeria.

How Urban Growth in the Global South Affects Agricultural Dynamics and Food Systems Outcomes in Rural Areas: A Review and Research Agenda

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

The urbanisation in the Global South provides opportunities for improved rural livelihoods in the vicinity of cities, but these opportunities do not automatically occur. The literature shows that urban expansion leads to more intensive land use around cities and a shift of production towards high-value products. However, competition for land around growing cities can lead to increasing socioeconomic vulnerability in affected areas, particularly for those who have no or weak land ownership or tenancy rights.

Can Africa Serve Europe with Hydrogen Energy from Its Renewables?—Assessing the Economics of Shipping Hydrogen and Hydrogen Carriers to Europe from Different Parts of the Continent

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

There exists no single optimal way for transporting hydrogen and other hydrogen carriers from one port to the other globally. Its delivery depends on several factors such as the quantity, distance, economics, and the availability of the required infrastructure for its transportation. Europe has a strategy to invest in the production of green hydrogen in Africa to meet its needs.

Entrepreneurial Potential and Agribusiness Desirability among Youths in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector remains for youth a key pillar for income creation. However, few are attracted by agribusiness despite stakeholders’ efforts toward engaging youth in agriculture. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial potential characteristics and youth desirability to start an enterprise in agriculture among 514 young people in Eastern DRC.