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Can Africa Serve Europe with Hydrogen Energy from Its Renewables?—Assessing the Economics of Shipping Hydrogen and Hydrogen Carriers to Europe from Different Parts of the Continent

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2022

There exists no single optimal way for transporting hydrogen and other hydrogen carriers from one port to the other globally. Its delivery depends on several factors such as the quantity, distance, economics, and the availability of the required infrastructure for its transportation. Europe has a strategy to invest in the production of green hydrogen in Africa to meet its needs.

Problema de acesso à terra no Sul Global: Efeitos do uso consuetudinário e da lei da terra na redução de acesso das mulheres às terras cultiváveis na Guiné-bissau

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

Este tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos de uso consuetudinário e inaplicabilidade da Lei 5/98, e se tais fatores contribuem para a redução de acessoàs terras cultiváveispelas mulheres inseridas na agricultura de subsistência na Guiné-Bissau. O problema fundiário é uma preocupação global, tendo início na transição do sistema econômico feudal, quando um grupo minoritário detentor do poder controlava os meios de produção.

Diagnostic orienté-action du système national d'innovation agricole au Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
декабря, 2022
Burkina Faso

Le diagnostic orienté-action du système national d'innovation agricole au Burkina Faso a été conduit conjointement par la FAO et le Ministère en charge de l'agriculture dans le but d'éclairer l'action politique à court terme tout en proposant un cadre stratégique global et de long terme pour renforcer les capacités des acteurs du système national d'innovation agricole.

Modes d’accès au foncier irrigué : cas du Maroc Note de synthèse pays

Reports & Research
декабря, 2022

Au Maroc, les politiques foncières post indépendance de 1956 ont abouti dans la zone occupée par la France à la mise sous tutelle d’une partie du foncier récupéré de la colonisation officielle et privée (DPE), au maintien du régime des terres collectives codifié dès 1919 par les autorités coloniales et au transfert des grandes propriétés immatriculées à des acteurs nationaux. Dans la zone sous protectorat espagnol, la colonisation des terres agricoles a pris des formes différentes1.

Dahir n° 1-11-178 du 25 hija 1432 (22 novembre 2011) portant promulgation de la loi n° 39-08 relative au code des droits réels

Legislation & Policies
декабря, 2022

Cette édition contient la traduction officielle des lois et règlements ainsi que tous autres décisions ou documents dont la publication au Bulletin officiel est prévue par les lois ou les réglements en vigueur

Peri-Urban Pressures: The Interplay of Land Strategies and Urbanization in Algeria’s Oran Metropolis

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

In contemporary times the worldwide trend of urban expansion has become an inexorable force This article engages in a comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics surrounding urban sprawl and land utilization within the periurban regions of significant Algerian municipalities with a specific focus on the city of Oran Employing a methodology rooted in social geography this study deploys a trio of investigative approaches documentary analysis spatiotemporal scrutiny of periurban domains and insitu field investigations to shed light on the intricate intricacies of land ownership dynamic

Dynamics of Informal Settlement Expansion on the Urban Fringe: The Case of Birbir Town, Southern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

This study examines the dynamics of fringe land invasion in Birbir Town southern Ethiopia by adopting a descriptive survey design with both qualitative and quantitative data analyses Primary data were acquired through a household survey key informant interviews focus group discussions and observations This study also benefited from relevant secondary sources Using a simple random sampling technique 156 household heads were selected from Birbir and two adjacent rural areas The study revealed that informal settlement expansion in the form of fringe land invasion occurs in Birbir Town predomin

Territoriality in Post-conflict Neighbourhoods: Unravelling the Dynamics of Territorial Marks in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

The pervasiveness of territorial marks in postconflict neighbourhoods elicited this study Relying on residents perceptions the study explored the dynamics underpinning residents use of territorial marks Primary data was collected by administering questionnaires to residents of various neighbourhoods within the study area Physical observations were conducted to identify all residential neighbourhoods and categorised into three homogenous zones From each homogenous zone 30 neighbourhoods were purposively selected In total 2055 buildings were identified within these selected neighbourhoods The

Revitalizing Urban Governance: Integrating Smart Growth and Decolonial Perspectives for Municipal Empowerment in Shaping Growth Across Egyptian Desert Landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

This article explores the connection between Smart Growth and the decolonization of urban growth management in Egypt examining the impact of former colonial influence on present urban policy and practices Drawing insights from the urbanization of Egyptian desert areas before and after the New Urban Communities Program NUCP it scrutinizes how historical influences adversely affect contemporary approaches inducing socioeconomic impacts The primary objective is to identify the root causes of misguided urban growth management practices arguing that monoinstitutional and sectoral development is

Street Trading and Urban Distortion: Rethinking Impacts and Management Approaches from Urban Planners’ Perspective in Enugu City, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

This study investigates the relationship between street trading and urban planning in Enugu City Nigeria within the expanding informal economy of the global South It particularly focuses on the perspectives of urban planners regarding the impacts and management of street trading The research employed a mixedmethod approach including personal observation questionnaires and indepth interviews analyzed through basic statistical methods Findings reveal that urban planners recognize the socioeconomic importance and cultural relevance of street trading despite its negative spatial externalities C