Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) Blog Series | Land Portal

This blog series, brought to you by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)  and the Land Portal, focuses on the governance of land-based investments in the Global South. The series explores practical strategies and approaches adopted by rights defenders and others to address common challenges surrounding these investments. The series also aims to link the practical experience and approaches of practitioners to the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator, a knowledge hub bringing together a wide range of tools and guides on how to address a variety of land-related issues and strengthen the governance of land-based investments.

ALIGN supports governments, civil society, local communities and other relevant actors in strengthening the governance of land-based investments. It is funded with UK aid from the UK government, however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of ALIGN partners or the UK Government.




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A resident of Moroto District

Uganda’s extractives industry is growing exponentially and attracting both foreign and domestic mining companies. But too often, mineral-rich communities fail to benefit. Here, Kevin Bakulumpagi of ANARDE, Uganda discusses how Community Development Agreements can ensure affected communities both benefit from mining operations and are meaningfully engaged in agreements regulating mining activities

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In Mozambique, community land rights are recognised under the country’s progressive land laws. Yet many private-sector companies also hold long-term leases on wide swathes of land that once belonged to communities. Here, Sarah Lowery of USAID’s Land and Resource Governance Division  discusses how USAID partnered with agroforestry firm Green Resources to help it responsibly divest its land-use rights back to local communities. 

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Over the last 20 years in Tanzania, conflict has escalated between communities and foreign investors over land rights and land-based investments. Here, Masalu Luhula discusses how the use of simplified legal guides is helping to empower communities to engage in dialogue and negotiations with government authorities and investors – and to promote socially responsible land-based investment.


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Ethiopian pastoralists

In Ethiopia, pastoralist communities and other communal land users face significant threats due to government policies which favour large-scale land investments and erode communal land rights. Here, Daniel Behailu and Nathaniah Jacobs discuss the importance of developing laws that recognise and respect communal land rights in Ethiopia, potential legal solutions, and why change will require community engagement and social legitimacy to work.

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Forest transition Aerial view of a Transition Forest area in Bokito, Cameroon. Photo by Mokhamad Edliadi/CIFOR
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
South Africa

Land Grabbing in Uganda
29 March 2022

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)  and the Land Portal are launching a new blog series on the governance of land-based investments in the Global South.