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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Displaying 796 - 800 of 1155

Agrarian Reform in Uzbekistan and Other Central Asian Countries

декабря, 2001

The five Central Asian countries that gained their independence at the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 have followed different paths of transition to a market economy in the agricultural sector. Kyrgyzstan has been the most aggressive in restructuring agricultural enterprises, privatizing land, and promoting individual farming. Kazakstan and Turkmenistan have had similar legal and policy reforms, but implementation has lagged. Tajikistan's efforts

Land reform and poverty alleviation in Mozambique

Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2001
Sub-Saharan Africa

Brief overview of the policy background to the land reform process in Mozambique, and a very generalised assessment of the extent to which this reform is improving the livelihoods of Mozambican rural people.The paper focuses on the experiences of the land component of Zambézia Agricultural Development Project (ZADP) . It looks at the extent to which the objective of the new land tenure policy in alleviating poverty has been realised and have concentrated on the contextual, practical and conceptual challenges that have faced a provincial programme of land tenure reform.

Empowering forest users: lessons from Niger

декабря, 2001

As the pace of decentralisation in Africa quickens, how can external agencies help communities fulfill new management responsibilities? A study from Niger has implications for other parts of Africa where commitment to decentralised natural resource management is offering scope for radical new approaches to transferring power to local people.

Economic reforms and development strategy in Gujarat

декабря, 2001
Southern Asia

The Gujarat state government has followed a strategy focussed on industrialisation and urbanisation with an open door policy ever since its inception in 1960. Economic reform measures at the centre with an explicit emphasis on trade and industry considerably benefited Gujarat, making its economic performance outstanding. During the process of economic policy reforms and liberalisation in the 1990s, the constraints and regulation on economic activities by the centre in different segments of the economy got relaxed.

Communities protecting water

декабря, 2001

The Kumasi peri-urban area is characterised by high rates of conversion of agricultural land to private housing. Kumasi, Ghana, is also situated across a major drainage divide, resulting in a range of water quality and supply problems. Collaborative DFID-funded research by Royal Holloway, University of London, with government and NGO partners in Ghana, aims to develop and pilot a sustainable co-management approach to peri- urban watersheds.