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Community Organizations FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office
FAO Legal Office


The FAO Legal Office provides in-house counsel in accordance with the Basic Texts of the Organization, gives legal advisory services to FAO members, assists in the formulation of treaties on food and agriculture, for which the Director-General acts as Depositary, publishes legal studies and maintains a database (FAOLEX) of national legislation and international agreements concerning food and agriculture (including fisheries, forestry and water).



Displaying 8166 - 8170 of 15550

Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007.


These Regulations implement the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 by specifying the circumstances in which a cultural heritage management plan is required for an activity or class of activity; prescribing standards for the preparation of a cultural heritage management plan including the carrying out of assessments; prescribing standards for the preparation of a map included in a cultural heritage agreement; and by prescribing fees for evaluating a cultural heritage management plan, for an application for a cultural heritage permit, and for an application to the Secretary for advice as to whether

Native Lands (Amendment) Decree 2011 (No. 7 of 2011).


This Decree amends the Native Lands Act by replacing in the Act and all subsidiary legislation made under the Act the word "native" with the word "i Taukei". It also inserts a new section (1A), which provides that all written laws (of Fiji) are to be changed by deleting all references to "native" and inserting therefor the word "i Taukei".

Amends: Native Lands Act. (1985)

Native Land Trust (Amendment) Decree 2010 (No. 32 of 2010).


This Decree amends the Native Land Trust Act by establishing in that Act and all subsidiary laws made under that Act the word "native" shall be deleted wherever it appears and be replaced by the word "i Taukei". A new section is inserted in the principal Act. That section establishes that all written laws are amended by deleting all references to the word "native" wherever it appears and by inserting "i Taukei".

Amends: Native Land Trust Act. (1985)

Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010 (No. 16 of 2010).


This Decree establishes the Mahogany Industry Council and provides for the continuation of the Fiji Mahogany Trust, which was established as a body corporate under section 5 of the Fiji Mahogany Act 2003 for the benefit of landowners and the Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited, transformed into a privatised Company for the purposes of developing the mahogany industry in Fiji, including the harvesting and processing of mahogany forests.