Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia | Land Portal
Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning (Serbia) logo
Phone number: 
381-11-3370 091


Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/II
11000 Belgrade
Working languages: 

The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS) was founded in 1954 within the Faculty of Architecture. It was established as an independent scientific research organization by the Decision of the Republic Executive Council No.N/303 of May 13, 1961. The Institute’s scientific research and professional work is carried out within three organizational units as follows:

  1. Center for Architecture and Housing;
  2. Center for Spatial Development and Environment, and
  3. Center for Information Technology, Publishing Activities and Education.

The Institute has 40 full-time permanent employees of various professional orientations (30 of which are holders of scientific, research or professional titles). It also gathers many visiting associates - experts in specific fields.

The Institute has been established with the aim to deal with research and educational work, as well as work on comprehensive projects in the field of architecture and urban planning. In previous period, due to specific conditions of financing scientific research projects, greater results were achieved in professional work, particularly in architectural and urban designing, as well as spatial and urban planning. In the last 15 years the Institute has achieved greater scope and noticeable results in the scientific and research work.