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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 741 - 745 of 2117

LUKE INFORES Implementation of Forest Data in Tanzania


The project overall objective is ?Sustainable management and use of Tanzanian forests?. The project will contribute to this by increasing the availability of information on forests by working with three institutions of which two are research institutes (SU A TAFORI) and one is Tanzania Forest Service. In the long run this will improve the living conditions for the people of the country through strengthened national economy and quality of life. The project aims at supporting forest and land use policy in line with the National Forest Policy 2001. Forest land management forest-based industries and products and ecosystem conservation and management with institutions and human resources are included in NFP. The aim is sustainable supply of forest products and ser vices by maintaining sufficient forest area under effective management employment and foreign exchange earnings through sustainable forest-based industrial development and trade and ecosystem stability through conservation of forest biodiversity water catc hments and soil fertility.The results and activities of the INFORES-Tanzania project:1) Strengthened capacity of direct beneficiary organizations on NAFORMA maintenance and data dissemination and improved capacity on multisource forest data processing and GIS.2) Improved capacity of forest inventory and management oriented research in SUA and TAFORI.

Scaling up Cocoa-based Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration / Transformative Innovations in Côte d#Ivoire (S


The present GEF project aims to promote deforestation-free cocoa value chains and restore degraded cocoa-forest landscapes in Côte d#Ivoire. The project envisages action under four overall components: (i) integrated landscape systems for planning and management; (ii) cocoa production best practices and value chains (iii) conservation and restoration of natural habitats, and; (iv) knowledge sharing and dissemination. The activities of these areas will be implemented via three GEF agencies: FAO, UNIDO and UNDP under the leadership of FAO. Three project landscapes have been selected, in close consultation with CFI partners. Two of the landscapes are located in Western Côte d#Ivoire, while a third is located in the east, bordering on Ghana. Briefly, the individual landscapes are as follows: Cavally landscape, Guémon landscape and Indénié-Djuablin/La Mé inter-regional landscape. The component 2 of the project is aimed at achieving improved efficiency, responsibility and sustainability of the cocoa value chain as a key element in ensuring improved livelihoods, maintenance of ecosystem services and global environmental benefits related to land degradation, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. Activities under this component will take place within, or otherwise be designed to benefit, the three ta

Scaling Up Fertilizer Micro-Dosing and Indigenous Vegetable Production and Utilization in West Africa (CIFSRF


Poor soil fertility and land degradation result in low production yields and quality for indigenous vegetables in West Africa. This project will address the challenges to improve vegetable production through fertilizer innovations. Increasing vegetable yields and quality This project will build on earlier research funded by the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), a program of IDRC undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. Two earlier projects generated promising results to improve food security in West Africa for poor families. Using innovations developed in this earlier work, researchers will speed up adoption of innovative approaches that will use cost-saving fertilizer micro-dosing and better water management to improve indigenous vegetable production in Nigeria and Benin. The project team will develop, test, and deploy two different models (Innovations Platform and Satellite Dissemination Approach) that will reach and benefit more farmers with sustainable vegetable production and marketing approaches. They will connect women-led cooperatives and youth groups to the private sector and business organizations, directly reaching more than 255,000 households. The team's work will involve further developing commercial seed production, postharvest handling, and value chains. They will also strengthen producer groups. Project leadership A consortium of five universities in Canada, Benin, and Nigeria will lead the project. They will mobilize at least 20 private sector partners and government agencies to build small and medium vegetable and fertilizer businesses. Their work will serve to double the income of approximately one million farmers in West Africa along the vegetable value chain.

Assessed and Other Contributions to UN Agencies


Assessed contributions are made to a number of UN agencies arising from Ireland’s membership of organisations such as the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the International Office for Migration (IOM), the UN Convention on Biodiversity (UNCBD), the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Contributions are also made to initiatives that reflect Ireland's commitment to multlateralism, such as the UN75 initiative to make the 75th anniversary of the UN's establishment.


UNIDO serves as a forum and broker for knowledge transfer on industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalisation and environmental sustainability. IOM works to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration and to promote international cooperation on migration issues. UNCCD works to improve the condition of affected ecosystems, combat desertification/land degradation and promote sustainable land management.