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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1731 - 1735 of 2117

Sustainable Forest and Forest Land Management in Viet Nam’s Ba River Basin Landscape


To conserve forest biodiversity and maintain or improve the flow of ecosystem services through sustainable forest management embedded in a coordinated landscape-level approach across Ba River basin


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The socio-economic benefits in the project will be observed at the individual (household level) as well as at the collective community level for economic groups like farmers, industrial plantation and forest concession groups as follows: The project will generate important socio-economic benefits, including benefits for COVID-19 recovery and climate resilience, at local level in the communities in the Ba River basin. First, it will capacitate at least 1,200 beneficiaries and including Ethnic Minorities to practice improved community forest management covering about 3 communes adjacent to boundaries of PAs and/or protection forests who will benefit from sustainable non-forest product collection, forest vegetable collection, mushroom collection, firewood collection, etc. The project will strengthen or create biodiversity-friendly livelihoods, with a strong emphasis on supporting women and ethnic minorities. The project livelihood and value chain interventions are expected to result in at least 500 beneficiaries (at least 30% ethnic minorities), contributing to COVID-19 recovery and leading to an anticipated increase in income from diversified sustainable livelihoods by participating households. The project will also benefit around 800 people (at least 20% EMs) in the selected project sites from improved and sustainable management of production lands, such as agricultural and grazing lands, home gardens, organic farming and locally owned industrial plantations (coffee, macadamia, pepper, cashew, etc.) and livestock management through linkages with cooperatives and private sector to provide technical support, extension, market access, new varities, etc. Finally around 500 will benefit from improved and efficient PFES monitoring, management and investments linked to conservation actions. Through these interventions, the project will promote green recovery/green livelihood such as in ecotourism enterprises, agroforestry product marketing, and forest resource uses. Overall, through these activities it is expected that at least 3,000 people (50 % women) in the target Ba River basin will directly benefit through improved forest management, improved ecosystem services, SLM and SFM activities and improved livelihoods and incomes. As a result of initiatives on improved forest and PA conservation activities additional people living in target river basin will indirectly benefit from improved and sustainable land management, reduced erosion and water flows. This strategy/initiative would also promote non-destructive livelihood activities among the local communities to minimize their dependence on unsustainable resource extraction-based sources of livelihood. Instead,the initiative is linked to sustainable land and resource use as well as in promoting conservation of resources which is given priority, including ecotourism and the introduction of sustainable agriculturaltechnologies in upland farming communities Improved access to basic goods and technical services, technology and improved agricultural, forestry and livelihood, grazing, as well as diversification of livelihoods in agriculture, forestry and non-farm sector including tourism and agri-based products will ensure more livelihood options and better prices and income with the expectation that this will lead to improved tolereance of local communities to wildlife and an increased willingness and acceoptance of the need to protect and conserve forests and biodiversity for the benefit of mankind The focus on addressing gender inequality wherein various initiatives, such as promotion of alternative livelihood options, participation of women in various local committees are proposed. The project envisages more gender equality in context of sex ratio, decision making powers, ownership and control on resources and women leadership as well as participation. It is anticipated that through this approach women will become strewards of conservation and be an influencing voice in the community A reduction in the resource use conflicts and increase in effective implementation of sustainable practices would enable better appreciation of the value and importance of the need for coolaboartion, cooperation and collective approaches to conservation. Incremental funding through new and improved conservation and SFM practices and a sustainability of such investments beyond the life of the project would enable the continued and sustainable use of the forest resources within the Ba River basin; Advancement of multi-cropping systems (including agroforestry) in community lands and small holder lands will enhance ecological benefits as well as provide an increased and diversified source of income to local communities, including ethnic minorities. The diversification of resources and livelihoods through sustainable management of forests, improved product development and small scale enterprises with help communities better adapt to the risks posed by climate change Stable or improved populations of native species and improved forest environments will greatly enhance visitor experiences for increasing potential for ecotourism, that contributing to improved livelihood opportunities to local communities and enhance benefits to the local economy. Implementation of strategies and mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation and SFM actions in forested areas will result into sustainable practices on forest production lands, agriculture, water conservation, value chain products and services. This will collectively result in better conservation and livelihoods outcomes Overall the economic benefits generated through sustainable forest and land management practices and improved livelihoods will be expected to translate into global benefits within the Ba River basin landscape, reduce threats and pressures on biodiversity and minimize forest and land degradation. Sustainable agro-ecosystem services that help sustain food production and local livelihoods will be maintained or enhanced. Sustainable agriculture, agroforestry, forest co-management and forest product benefit sharing, ecotourism and other economic activities will likely help ensure food availability and sustainable incomes to local communities.

Phase 2 Support to Namati to continue to support investment in the legal empowerment of land based communities


This activity (Phase 2 Support to Namati to continue to support investment in the legal empowerment of land based communities ) is a component of Land Governance for Economic Development reported by FCDO, with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £2,200,302.This project benefits Africa, regional.And works in the following sector(s): Human rights, Agricultural land resources, Social Protection, Disaster prevention and preparedness.

Mali Local Democratic Governance phase 3


Four INGOs led by Diakonia have submitted an application for the development intervention “Local Democratic Governance” (LDG), phase 3 in Mali during the period 2014-2017. The overall development intervention cost is approximately 76 MSEK. The intervention aims to improve inclusiveness and accountability of land governance and prevent conflict linked to land management in Mali. This will be achieved through the implementation of four components with the following results: 1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability between stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water). The four INGOs i.e Diakonia, Norwegian Church Aid, SNV and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation will implement the intervention together with local Civil Society Organisations. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that the four INGOs will forward funds to their local partners.


1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability among stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water).

DFID support to Landesa to improve land rights and private sector investment


This activity (DFID support to Landesa to improve land rights and private sector investment) is a component of Land Governance for Economic Development reported by FCDO, with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £2,301,506.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Agricultural land resources.

Landesa Procurement Hub


This activity (Landesa Procurement Hub) is a component of Land Governance for Economic Development reported by FCDO, with a funding type of 111 - Not for profit organisation and a budget of £2,601,628.This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified.And works in the following sector(s): Environmental policy and administrative management, Agricultural land resources, Social Protection, Disaster prevention and preparedness.