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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1781 - 1785 of 2117

Reducing deforestation from palm oil and cocoa value chains


To promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable food systems for enhanced livelihood opportunities in NW Liberia Landscape through land use planning, restoration of degraded lands, and strengthening governance, policies, and market incentives for nationally replicable models of deforestation-free cocoa and palm oil value chains.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

Improved management of forest and lands under agriculture and agroforestry in Liberia will generate a range of socio-economic benefits including contributions to enhanced food security, livelihoods, and water availability and quality. Forest conservation achieved through community commitments under Conservation Agreements will also contribute to maintenance of key environmental provisioning services for a range of NTFPs. With respect to climate security, this project will help reduce GHG emissions and enhance carbon stocks through forest conservation, restoration, and climate-smart agriculture. Protection of forest ecosystems will provide climate mitigation benefits and enhance carbon stocks through natural regeneration. At the national level, a 2013 report estimated that 49% of Liberians faced some level of food insecurity, and 34% had inadequate food consumption patterns characterized by high intake of cereals and low intake of protein-rich foods (World Food Program 2013). Forest protection and landscape management for habitat connectivity will maintain critical reservoirs of bushmeat supply that represents 75% of protein consumption in Liberia; climate-smart agriculture will provide more dependable supplies of food crops; and improved agriculture and sustainable agroforestry will increase household incomes that further contribute to improved food security. To generate direct socio-economic benefits on the ground, the project will implement pilot activities to demonstrate climate-smart agriculture using the Conservation Agreement (CA) methodology with 9 clans throughout the Northwest Liberia Landscape. These agreements will improve the livelihoods of an estimated 6,000 people (half of whom are female). In return for community conservation commitments, the project will offer compensatory benefit packages such as alternative livelihood training, support for agroforestry establishment, and other benefits determined through participatory processes, and thereby catalyze behavioral change and reduce dependence on unsustainable resource use. Details of community commitments and benefits provided under the CAs will be determined in negotiation and design phases, but we anticipate that investments in local livelihoods and socioeconomic development will contribute to household incomes and enhance food security, improve access to education and health services, and provide direct income through conservation jobs (e.g. monitoring, surveillance, planting, etc.). Building on these demonstration projects, the training and capacity building program to be deployed under the proposed project will reach 40,000 beneficiaries (30,000 through training programs, and 10,000 through field demonstration work). Enhanced awareness of climate-smart agricultural practices will position these producers to take advantage of new opportunities for participation in sustainable commodity value chains. Incentive programs to be developed under the proposed project will facilitate such participation, reaching at least 10,000 beneficiaries, including household participation in CAs, improved agroforestry prospects through development of producer associations and partnerships with commercial operators, links to impact investors with an interest in positive social, environmental and economic outcomes, and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) (principally REDD+) for reduced carbon emissions linked to land use change and restoration. Some socio-economic benefits will differ by gender based on different gender roles in food production and income generating practices. In general, by intervening in ecosystem degradation trends through the application of integrated landscape management and land-use planning, the project will preserve the ability to continue activities essential for household food security as well as livelihoods. This will be achieved through training and support for sustainable cultivation practices as well as habitat restoration and maintenance. The project will contribute to rural development and natural resource governance through participatory land- and resource-use planning. By engaging nine clans and other relevant stakeholders in planning processes, the project will ensure that they have a voice in the design of sustainable resource extraction frameworks and benefit-sharing arrangements. Doing so will generate dual benefits of enhanced capacity and ownership at the local level. Through this process, communities will be empowered to negotiate future land and resource uses and help reduce power asymmetries between local people and other stakeholders.

Capacity Development in Land Management Rwanda 2022-2027


The programme Capacity Development in Land Management in Rwanda, with an activity period 2022-2027, is to a large extent a continuation of an ongoing support to the Swedish Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registration Authority (Lantmäteriet) for its collaboration and support to Rwanda National Land Authority (NLA). The programme will contribute to a transparent, reliable, and accountable land management is driving the socio-economic transformation towards a sustainable future for all Rwandans. The expected outcomes of the intervention is 1. Project Management: NLA is a leading sustainable land management organization, driving coordination between key stakeholders contributing to sustainable socio-economic and environmental development for all Rwandans. 2. Land Administration: Land Administration in Rwanda is based on principles of transparency, efficiency, gender equality, accessibility and accountability and can accommodate social, legal and technological changes to deliver customer centred services to all Rwandans. 3. Surveying, Mapping and GIS: Capable staff and sustainable systems providing accurate, standardized and accessible geo-spatial information, services and products, contributing towards the socio-economic development in Rwanda. 4. Land Use Planning: Efficient land use management in Rwanda through development, implementation, monitoring and awareness of City of Kigali and Districts Land Use Master Plans, which are in compliance with the National Land Use and Development Master Plan 2020-2050 (NLUDMP).


The programme will contribute to that transparent, reliable, and accountable land management is driving the socio-economic transformation towards a sustainable future for all Rwandans. The expected outcomes of the programme are: Programme Management: NLA is a leading sustainable land management organization, driving coordination between key stakeholders contributing to sustainable management of land for socio-economic development for all Rwandans. Land Administration: Land Administration in Rwanda is based on principles of transparency, efficiency, gender equality, equity, accessibility, and accountability and can accommodate social, legal and technological changes to deliver customer centered services to all Rwandans. Surveying, Mapping and GIS: Capable staff and sustainable systems providing accurate, standardized, and accessible geo-spatial information, services, and products, contributing towards the socio-economic development in Rwanda Land Use Planning: Efficient land use management in Rwanda through development, implementation, monitoring and awareness of City of Kigali and Districts Land Use Master Plans, which are in compliance with the National Land Use and Development Master Plan 2020-2050 (NLUDMP)

Industrial Land Activity


Morocco II - Land Productivity Project - Industrial Land Activity: the activity is piloting a market-driven public-private partnership (PPP) approach to industrial zone development and management to foster sustainability and private sector investment.

Integrated Landscape Management in Dry Miombo Woodlands of Tanzania


To halt and reverse negative trends of land degradation and biodiversity loss in degraded areas of the Miombo woodlands in the south-west of Tanzania by applying an integrated landscape management approach.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project will generate socio-economic benefits by maintaining and enhancing the resource base on which the local communities in Western Tanzania rely for their livelihoods. This includes, but it not limited to: i) increased financial security through diversified livelihoods, bankable business plans, and increased access to financial services; ii) increased food security, associated with better SLM practices, rehabilitated and restored ecosystem services of economic value, and strengthened food value chains; iii) increased tenure security enabled through policy frameworks and participatory land use planning; iv) enhanced/ecologically sensitive forest governance, with community-based forest management (CBFM); and v) women and youth empowerment. This GEF investment will directly contribute to improving the livelihoods of 60,000 individuals in the project intervention areas, including 45% women, through halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss. It will also have at least 150,000 indirect beneficiaries, the majority of whom are smallholders and pastoralists. Moreover, the project will promote full and productive employment and decent work in the target landscape. The project will contribute to the following Pillars of Decent Work: (i) Pillar I - Employment creation and enterprise development, through its Component 2 targeting value chain development, with a focus on the needs and wants of women and youth among others; and (ii) Pillar IV – Governance and social dialogue, through working directly with FFPOs to enhance participation in agriculture and rural development processes, and strengthening decision-making capacity for LDN.

Women's Economic Empowerment project


The overall objective of the project is to advance women’s economic empowerment to ensure the capacity of women to participate in, contribute to and benefit from agricultural value chains and processes in ways that affirm the value of their contributions, respect their dignity, promote equality and equity in eight districts of Eastern, Western, Southern and Central Provinces of Zambia. Specifically, the project seeks to: i) increase women’s agency and decision-making power at household and community levels to address barriers to women’s economic empowerment. ii) Strengthen technical capacity of women to run and own viable, productive, resilient and sustainable agricultural businesses and iii) Strengthen women’s voice and collective power at community level to increase access to, control of and ownership over productive (e.g. physical assets, land) and financial assets among women through women-led cooperatives, land tenure and financial inclusion. This will be achieved through a women-led and women­ centred approach with focus on both men and women. In general, the project will work through study circles, and support women groups, village savings and loans associations with capacity building of women in economic empowerment. The project will start with an eight months inception phase during which several studies will be carried out . These include market analysis, environment and social impact assessment, conflict sensitivity analysis, and a gender and power analysis. The findings from the studies will form the basis for the final design of the project implementation. We Effect, the main agreement partner will implement the project in collaboration with Heifer Project International Zambia (HPIZ), Women for Change (WfC), Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) and eight District Women Associations (DWAs). The budget for the proposed intervention is SEK 75 Million. The project will run for 44 months including the inception period of 8 months.


The overall objective of the intervention is to advance women’s economic empowerment to ensure the capacity of women to participate in, contribute to and benefit from agricultural value chains and processes in ways that affirm the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and promote equality.The project has three specific objectives (SO): SO 1 (personal sphere): To increase women’s agency and decision-making power at household and community level to address barriers to women’s economic empowerment. This specific objective seeks to strengthen women’s capacity, build confidence and self-esteem. SO 2 (relational sphere): To address institutional barriers that limit women’s economic advancement in agricultural value and market chains. This sphere relates to the attitudes and norms of people within women’s lives and the enterprises women may interact with. The objective will work to transform norms, attitudes and values of men, while at the same time support women to develop sustainable and resilient techniques that mitigate the impacts of climate change.  SO 3 (social sphere): To strengthen women’s voice and collective power at community level to increase access to, control and ownership of productive (e.g. physical assets, land) and financial assets among women through women-led local organisations, land tenure and financial inclusion. This objective will seek to support the establishment of women-led local organisations, as well as ensuring that women have more access to financial services including insurance and saving groups. Under this objective, the DWAs and women-led local organisations will be trained to lobby and advocate for increased land rights and secure tenure of fertile land.