The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC; French: Conseil économique et social des Nations unies, CESNU) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating the economic and social fields of the organisation, specifically in regards to the 15 specialised agencies, the eight functional commissions and the five regional commissions under its jurisdiction.
The Council serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations system. A number of non-governmental organisations have been granted consultative status to the Council to participate in the work of the United Nations.
Displaying 111 - 115 of 224Report of the seminar on cadastre
Land is the main source of life and the mother of all developments, economic and social, and that for the proper administration of land, suitable and effective cadastral system is prerequisite and further realizing the importance of cadastral services in establishing security of titles to land which is necessary for the economic development of country.
Objets et buts de l'enregistrement foncier
Le but de l'enregistrement foncier revêt une grande importance, car il
doit déterminer le choix de l'unité d'enregistrement.
Quelques remarques sur les cadastres en général et sur centaines aspects de leur établissement et leur tenue à jour, à l'aide des techniques actuelles de lève
Un rapport général concemant l'utilisation du cadastre comae "base
de la création des regimes fonciers, élabore dans le cadre de la collaboration entre la Commission IV (cadastre et remembrement rural).
Past and present difficulties in cadastral surveys and land registration
Land is the raw material of nearly all wealth, but neither the development nor the administration of any plot of land can be planned economically or carried out efficiently without complete and accurate knowledge of its size, its boundaries, its neighbors, its owners and the natural and artificial features within its borders.
Le système d'enregistrement foncier au Ghana
Les premiers propriétaires de terres au Ghana sont les chefs
locaux. Les families et les particuliers possedent aussi des terres, dont les titres de propriète sont établis par les chefs.