The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC; French: Conseil économique et social des Nations unies, CESNU) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating the economic and social fields of the organisation, specifically in regards to the 15 specialised agencies, the eight functional commissions and the five regional commissions under its jurisdiction.
The Council serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations system. A number of non-governmental organisations have been granted consultative status to the Council to participate in the work of the United Nations.
Displaying 136 - 140 of 224An outline of a model ordinance for Africa
The Kenya Registered Land Act was passed in 1963 had to ;take into account and be reconciled with no fewer than five ordinances which already made provision for land, registration in some form or other.
The Status of cadastral surveys and land registration services in Tanzania and future development : figures I to IV
Most of the Cadastral surveys in the country are done by the survey and mapping division. In the laws, there is a provision for a licensed surveyor who may also carry out cadastral; surveys, but at present there is none in the country.
The role of registration of title in fragmentation and multiple ownership of land : submitted by the government of the United Kingdom
The discoveries of science and new technologies it has not yet always proved possible to do so. therefore continue to use resources, which might otherwise be put to more productive purposes, -on curing those who contract these diseases and in trying to prevents or at least minimize the chances of, their recurrence. The conditions known as 'fragmentation' and 'multiple ownership when the Reach severe, proportions can fairly be described; as diseases of land tenure".
The role of maps in land registration
It is not possible to prepare a satisfactory register of properties and to guarantee title to those properties unless the properties have been positively identified i.e. unless it is possible to identify the boundaries of the properties with certainty. It is for this reason that in most modern systems of Registration of Title the Registrar requires that each property shall be unambiguously defined by representing its boundaries on a registry index map before recording the ownership of the property in the official register.
Adoptions un cadastre
Un cadastre qui sert uniquement à déterminer l'assiette fiscale du propriétaire foncier semble particulièrement bien convenir à des pays dont l’économie est principalement agricole.