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Nuestros blogs sobre tierras

Descubra historias ocultas y voces no escuchadas sobre asuntos de gobernanza de la tierra en el mundo. Aquí es donde la comunidad del Land Portal comparte actividades, experiencias, desafíos y éxitos.

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20 Julio 2021


Most of the world’s land is still stewarded by communities under customary systems. Billions of people rely on communally managed farmland, pasture, forests and savannahs for their livelihoods. 

This collective management of resources is viewed in the colonial or capitalist economic model as an obstacle to individual wealth creation and private profit. 

16 Julio 2021
Dr. Agnes M. Kalibata, Dr. Michael Taylor

Our food systems are in urgent need of transformation, as humanity faces one of our biggest challenges yet; feeding a future population of 10 billion people with safe and nutritious food while keeping a healthy planet. Our food system has the power to tip the scales and transform the future of our planet and humankind.

13 Julio 2021


Por:   Mariángeles Guerrero

Entrevista a Jeremías Chauque, referente de la organización campesina Desvío a la Raíz, de Santa Fe. ¿Qué sucede cuando el agronegocio se apropia de conceptos cómo "agroecología"? Reflexiona sobre la necesidad de retomar los orígenes de la agricultura campesina e indígena. La defensa del territorio y la vida rural, la salud de la tierra y las personas, alimentos sanos para todos y todas.

13 Julio 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley

There is an underlying tension in the land rights movement that is rarely addressed head on, which is the perception that securing women’s land rights threatens community land rights. Community land rights are typically held by indigenous people, small-scale and subsistence farmers, pastoralists, herders and many other groups who are directly dependent on land for their livelihoods but whose land tenure is often the most precarious.

09 Julio 2021

Por Liliana Vargas

La International Land Coalition – ILC (Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra) se ha convertido en un activo participante del proceso de discusión en torno a la Cumbre Global sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios 2021 que se realizará en los siguientes meses.

08 Julio 2021

Un indígena Mayagna observa una zona despalada por colonos en la Reserva de Bosawás. Foto: Carlos Herrera | Confidencial

07 Julio 2021


Por: Manuel Pérez Rocha Loyo

En mi entrega anterior ( La Jornada 21-6-21), concluí que si no se desmantelan las reglas neoliberales que otorgan desmedidos privilegios a corporaciones trasnacionales, que destruyen medios de vida y el medio ambiente, que generan violencia y represión, no se enfrentarán las raíces ni las causas de la migración.

06 Julio 2021
Maaike van den Berg

The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.

05 Julio 2021
Lisette Meij

Knowledge management and learning are at the heart of the LAND-at-scale program. On June 29th at a pre-event of the LANDac conference, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), LANDac and the International Land Coalition (ILC) officially announced their collaboration to implement the knowledge management (KM) component of the program.

02 Julio 2021
Danny Wijnhoud

This session zoomed in on the local situation and challenges faced by grassroots communities and women in some low-Income countries. It provided an overview of support provided by Civil Society organizations (and governments) facilitating communities, women in particular, to step up the efforts to strengthen their land rights and to generate resilience in face of the climate and COVID-19 challenges they are facing.

More secure land tenure provides much better opportunities to face climate and COVID-19 challenges by investing in high biodiversity local food & income systems.

01 Julio 2021


Texto: Rhett A. Butler Traducido por:  Mabel Pedemonte


  • David Kaimowitz describe su carrera como “treinta años de búsqueda para entender qué provoca la deforestación”, lo que lo trajo al punto de partida: el tema de los derechos sobre las tierras.