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Displaying 1261 - 1272 of 1631
21 Septiembre 2020
  Par:  Plinio Sist* et Claude Garcia**   Source: vivafrik La déforestation encore En 30 ans, la planète a perdu 403 millions d’hectares de forêts, principalement en zone tropicale. En cause : l’agriculture et l’élevage. Les accords et conventions internationaux successifs depuis le sommet de Rio…
11 Septiembre 2020
Michael Brown
The global conservation community now faces the added challenge of Covid-19 on top of a longstanding set of complex conservation, sustainability, and development challenges. In the wake of this pandemic, return to business as usual is not a viable option. The existing systems and structures upon…
21 Agosto 2020
Rachel McMonagle
Last week the world observed the International Day of Indigenous Peoples on Sunday, Aug. 9, amid a global pandemic that UN Secretary-General António Guterres noted has had a “devastating impact” on the world’s Indigenous communities. COVID-19 poses a specific threat to the health and welfare of…
4 Agosto 2020
Catherine-Lune Grayson
From Mali to Iraq, people in conflict zones are proving especially vulnerable to climate extremes An estimated 100,000 people died and livestock were decimated when a long drought hit West Africa in the 1970s. Isa, a 61-year-old community leader from northern Mali, recalled: “At that time, we…
4 Agosto 2020
Karol Boudreaux
Supporting women’s ability to own, manage and control land will help accelerate gender equality globally   It is depressing, discouraging, infuriating – pick your word – to see the scale and scope of abuse and discrimination aimed at women and girls worldwide.   A few statistics stand out:  1…
17 Julio 2020
Por Marcos Candido  A agricultora Maria Josefa costuma dizer que mora "no meio do mato", rodeada por um pomar colorido pelos tons alaranjados dos pés de acerola e cacau cultivadas por ela na comunidade Tancredo Neves, em São Félix do Xingu, no Pará. Lá a telefonia não chega, e até 2017 não havia…
7 Julio 2020
Barbara van Paassen, Magdalena Anna Kropiwnicka
    For those of us who have worked in development since quite some time certain stories have become a little too familiar.  Whether in Latin America, South East Asia or Sub Saharan Africa, it is women and their special connection to land and water that are greatly impacted when the thirsty…
3 Julio 2020
Laura Meggiolaro
"Information is power but information sharing is even more powerful." With this statement, during his opening of the side event on blockchain at the LANDac encounter 2020, John Dean Markunas, Power of Chain Consultancy (PoC) cited me. I am now citing him back to explain what I meant.   As…
24 Junio 2020
Meio ambiente precisa estar no início e no centro de todas as políticas públicas e de todos os empreendimentos   Por Izabella Zanotelli e Mônica Souza Ribeiro   Máscaras, álcool em gel, distância física, bloqueios e luvas são as novas demandas pessoais de 2020. Essa previsão ninguém fez ou…
10 Junio 2020
Frank van Holst, Kristina Mitic Arsova
It happened on the 29th of January 2020 in Bitola in North Macedonia. More than 200 landowners from Egri village gathered in Bitola’s theatre, taking turns to vote on the Land Consolidation Plan. The serious faces of men and women, old and young, were a sign that they may have been as nervous as we…
4 Junio 2020
Dr. Nikita Sud
The 21st century is seeing the impacts of modernisation of the previous century. The most apparent impact is climate change. Land is intertwined with the human trajectory and powers of access to land come from social, political or other kinds of dominance, writes Nikita Sud in this commentary. By…
2 Junio 2020
Lorenzo Cotula
Reports suggest the COVID-19 fallout is providing opportunities for elites to seize lands and rewrite regulations. We need effective responses to secure land rights and lay the foundations for a just recovery.        Throughout history, crises have enabled those with more information, resources…