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Countries Ghana related News


Displaying 73 - 84 of 110
3 Julio 2019
In August 2018, the local government of Accra, Ghana, in West Africa, appropriated 1,800 homes for demolition to make way for, among others, tomato retailers. Officials had already begun plotting the land for its new use when residents of the largely poor neighborhood erupted in protest, to no…
1 Mayo 2019
Gender and Land Rights Phase II Project to highlight and support initiatives that enhance rural women’s participation in land related decisions has yielded results at Nanton in the Northern Region. The project was executed by the Network for Women’s Rights (NETRIGHT) Ghana, in partnership with the…
31 Octubre 2018
Date: 30 octobre 2018 Source: Africa top Success Par: Alice Gnanou Le problème du foncier reste criard en Afrique notamment dans les pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Aux Ghana, les acteurs dans le mobilier interpellent le gouvernement à agir afin de trouver des solutions idoines aux problèmes de ce…
13 Septiembre 2018
Delayed payments of compensation for compulsory acquired lands by the state have been cited as a major cause of land litigation and inadequate security of tenure in the country. Dr. Benjamin Armah Quaye, National Coordinator, Land Administration Project (LAP) explained that the yet-to-be…
18 Junio 2018
The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources in collaboration with the Forestry Commission and other stakeholders will hold this year’s International Day of Forests on June 26. A statement signed by the Chief Executive of the Forestry Commission, Mr Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, said this year’s celebration…
27 Mayo 2018
Samuel-Richard Bogobley is wearing a bright orange life vest and leaning precariously over the edge of a fishing canoe on the Volta River estuary, a gorgeous wildlife refuge where Ghana's biggest river meets the Gulf of Guinea. He's looking for a bamboo rod poking a couple feet above the surface…
7 Mayo 2018
Successful agricultural development initiatives associated with poverty reduction have seldom included large-scale land-based investment. Feed the Future focuses on smallholder-led agricultural growth as the principal engine of poverty reduction and food security. Investment in agriculture of all…
3 Enero 2018
Date: 27 décembre 2017 Source: Farmlandgrab La confédération internationale d'organisations catholiques à but caritatif Caritas International a organisé les 19 et 20 décembre à Accra, la capitale ghanéenne, une rencontre pour sensibiliser sur le phénomène de l'accaparement des terres. C’est ce que…
27 Noviembre 2017
Date: 24 novembre 2017 Source: Farmlandgrab Par: Espoir Olodo Au Ghana, malgré le potentiel considérable en matière de développement de l’agriculture, de nombreux goulots d’étranglement affectent la participation du secteur privé dans l’agrobusiness. C’est ce qu’indique la Société financière…
31 Octubre 2017
USAID LandLinks is working to support private sector partners to de-risk investments and secure legitimate land rights in order to improve livelihoods and other outcomes for communities affected by investments. Join us, along with Agrilinks, Microlinks, and a panel of experts, for an interactive…
25 Octubre 2017
Date : 19 octobre 2017 Source : Farmlandgrab Le Ghana expérimente, depuis peu, à côté du système étatique, des initiatives privées dans la gestion de la problématique foncière. Dans ce cadre, Landmapp, une start-up basée à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) et opérant au Ghana, entre autres pays, développe des…
12 Septiembre 2017
Former President John Dramani Mahama has encouraged women in Africa to fully take up agriculture as a means to enrich themselves, their families and achieve sustainable development for their countries. Mr Mahama noted that women’s participation in agriculture is more critical as women in…