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Countries Kenya related News


Displaying 61 - 72 of 224
25 Junio 2021
Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo is entangled in a Sh4.5 billion bribery court row with investors behind the Tatu City real estate project. The investors have accused Mr Kabogo of illegally holding onto five title deeds as part of a ploy to blackmail them into ceding a five percent stake in a…
20 Junio 2021
Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki has called on the national government to complete the land adjudication process and issue title deeds before initiating the process of replacing the late chief of Kamaindi Location who was killed way back in 2019 over land related issues. The governor who was…
16 Junio 2021
Main photo: Farmers at a FAO anti-desertification project in Burkina Faso, one of 11 countries targeted by the Global Environment Fund Initiative The global launch of a $104 million initiative signals an ambitious effort by a range of partners to safeguard drylands in the context of climate…
16 Junio 2021
The majority of Kenyans are perturbed by the high cost of seeking justice in the Environment and Land court, a new survey shows. The study by the Land Development and Governance Institute (LDGI) shows that nearly nine in ten Kenyans (86 percent) see the cost as high, effectively making it difficult…
16 Junio 2021
The State is set to roll out a value index to make Kenya’s land market transparent and cut wasteful public project spending due to speculative activity that drives up costs, the World Bank has said. The long-awaited index is also expected to boost own-source revenue collection by counties from land…
16 Junio 2021
The majority of Kenyans are perturbed by the high cost of seeking justice in the Environment and Land court, a new survey shows. The study by the Land Development and Governance Institute (LDGI) shows that nearly nine in ten Kenyans (86 percent) see the cost as high, effectively making it difficult…
16 Junio 2021
The State is set to roll out a value index to make Kenya’s land market transparent and cut wasteful public project spending due to speculative activity that drives up costs, the World Bank has said. The long-awaited index is also expected to boost own-source revenue collection by counties from land…
15 Junio 2021
The government has been paying billions of shillings in compensation for its own land in questionable payouts by the National Lands Commission. The compensation, which involves the acquisition of land for public utilities, is allegedly a cash cow for well-connected individuals who fleece taxpayers…
14 Junio 2021
The Agriculture Development Corporation (ADC) is involved in a scuffle with residents of Kaskini, Kilifi County. A report by the Nation on Monday, June 14 stated that the government parastatal is claiming ownership of 900 Acres which the residents state to have been given to them by the government…
11 Junio 2021
Treasury CS Ukur Yatani has boosted President Uhuru Kenyatta’s election pledge to issue titled deeds with a Sh1.5 billion allocating for processing and registration of the documents. Further, Mr Yatani set aside Sh600 million for digitisation of land registries, a move expected to speed up the…
10 Junio 2021
A number of heavily entrenched cultural practices and policy orientation continue to frustrate efforts and gender equity in our country. At the economic level, requirements for example for loans are pegged on collaterals such as land title deeds, yet traditionally women rarely inherited land thus…
8 Junio 2021
A three-judge bench has begun hearing a petition in which the Ogiek community has sued the government for evicting them from Mt Elgon Forest. The Ogiek community living in Chepkitale in Mt Elgon Forest says the government erred in evicting them from the land and gazetting it as a national game…