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Countries Lesotho related News


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10 Octubre 2022
No final de 2021, um relatório do FIDA – Fundo Internacional para o Desenvolvimento da Agricultura, uma agência da ONU – Organização das Nações Unidas, divulgou preocupantes perspectivas para a produção agrícola na África. O texto alertava que a produção de alimentos básicos em oito países…
24 Julio 2022
Les logiciels libres offrent la possibilité d'améliorer la transparence et de réduire les coûts d'enregistrement des droits fonciers grâce à des outils flexibles et abordables permettant d'uniformiser et de pérenniser les procédures administratives.  Ces logiciels libres sont les suivants: SOLA…
24 Noviembre 2021
Bereng Mpaki writing in the Lesotho Times provides background on the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill which seeks to legalise artisanal and  small scale mining. This had previously been outlawed by the Mines and Minerals Act, 2005. According to the the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Natural…
11 Noviembre 2021
The issue of land, especially its redistribution, remains contentious in South Africa 27 years after the formal end of apartheid. Land redistribution was promised at the end of apartheid. The failure of the African National Congress (ANC) government to do so is emblematic of its failure to…
29 Agosto 2021
JOHANNESBURG - Residents of the Waterworks informal settlement near Lenasia were reeling on Sunday following the death of a man in their community, allegedly from hunger. Thabiso Mokhele dropped dead in his shack after going without food for days, and community leaders found his emaciated body.…
19 Mayo 2021
O Centro de Ética Energética lançou o concurso Africa@2050 Ficção Climática, uma iniciativa para reunir escritores e pesquisadores com o objetivo de elaborar, de forma colaborativa, soluções inovadoras e de futuro para os desafios colocados pelas mudanças climáticas ao continente africano e ao…
8 Febrero 2021
LOCKDOWN restrictions aimed at fighting the Covid-19 pandemic in Lesotho have had an unintended adverse negative impact of undermining women's customary land rights, a regional human rights body has found. The organisation, Advancing Rights in Southern Africa (ARISA), said its research on the…
8 Diciembre 2020
The Kingdom of Lesotho recently signed on to the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s (IFAD) extension of the Smallholder Agriculture Development Project (SADP) to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable small-scale farmers. SADP II, the project’s second phase, targets youth and women to…
1 Diciembre 2020
UNLESS Lesotho governments refrain from the habit of awarding grossly inflated tenders for various infrastructure projects, future generations will be caught up in a massive debt trap which will only impede the country’s development, analysts have warned. The warning comes against the background of…
19 Noviembre 2020
Os Prêmios de Inovação para Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Secretário-Geral da Commonwealth foram lançados para reconhecer e celebrar as contribuições que os inovadores nos setores público, privado e sem fins lucrativos estão fazendo no avanço das metas de desenvolvimento sustentável nos países da…
22 Octubre 2020
KB.L seeks to bring to life all aspects of the ‘land issue’, recognizing that land is both a deeply important aspect of our history, and an emotive issue shaping our political landscape. KB.L seeks to develop a comprehensive sense of this history, heritage and memory through a combination of news,…
22 Octubre 2020
Maseru, Lesotho, 23 October 2020 – The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to address persistent climate risks and scale up national disaster risk management and financing efforts. The MoU serves as a…