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Countries Arabia Saudita related Blog post

Arabia Saudita

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
5 Julio 2021
Shahd Mustafa, Romy Sato
Early this year, the Arab region saw a series of webinars and meetings about the status of land-related information and data. These events, which included Land Portal's webinar Sharing and Exchange in the Arab Region (16 February), the Second Arab Land Conference (22-24 February) and the Online…
12 Mayo 2021
Carla Donayre Oropeza
Nous recherchons une cohorte équilibrée en terme de genre de 16 à 20 personnes jeunes et motivées qui veulent faire partie de cette expérience. Vérifiez si vous répondez aux critères et postulez !   Critères d'attribution de la bourse    Vous avez entre 18 et 35 ans Vous travaillez ou faites du…
23 Febrero 2021
Joseph Feyertag
Prindex Researcher Joseph Feyertag sets out some key findings from his latest paper 'How perceived tenure security differs between men and women in the MENA region'   It is for good reason that gender is a major theme at this week’s Arab Land Conference. Around just 5% of women own land or…
6 Diciembre 2017
Momula rajashekhar reddy
Those of you who have visited Dubai in recent years may relate to what I am going to say: Dubai is in the middle of the desert, and its land, not that long ago, was really worth nothing. Now it is one of the most vibrant international cities in the world. All this happened in a relatively short…