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Countries Sierra Leona related Blog post

Sierra Leona

Displaying 49 - 60 of 60
11 Mayo 2022
This blog was written by Anna Schreiber and originally posted through Land for Life at “Before the VGGT, land was acquired based on the level of power. Land was a symbol of authority. Land governance was barbaric, guided by…
30 Julio 2021
It was good land. Before the company’s arrival in 2011, the people of Ngovokpahun village had used it to grow cocoa and other cash crops to help them pay for their children’s education. But when Italian Agriculture offered to build them a school, health center, and roads, provide them with…
29 Julio 2021
Seraphin Muramira
In a recent episode of the podcast Uncharted Ground, host Jonathan Levine spoke with Namati about building a global environmental justice movement. You can find it on any major podcast platform or listen to the episode (and access the full transcript)  on Stanford Social Innovation Review's website…
12 Mayo 2021
Nathaniah Jacobs
As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Nathaniah Jacobs, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear more about the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project. The…
7 Marzo 2021
Seraphin Muramira
When Namati's Community Land Protection project in Sierra Leone's Paki Massabong Chiefdom came to a close, a 'handing over' ceremony was held. Along with village chiefs and local officials, a number of female community members stood to speak. Here are excerpts from what a few of these women shared…
24 Junio 2020
Mr. Berns Komba Lebbie, Miss .Christiana I.B Ellie
Under the British colonial rule, Sierra Leone’s land mass was divided into two areas, the colony area and protectorate area. The British government, under the Crown Queen, had direct rule over the land within the capital of Freetown, which was the colony, leaving the provincial lands under the…
24 Junio 2020
Miss .Christiana I.B Ellie
Interview with Christiana Ellie, M&E officer in Land for Life Initiative   1) Can you tell us a bit more about the Land for Life Consortium- Sierra Leone? Land for Life initiative Sierra Leone, is an endeavour of five legally established  civil society organizations that are working together as…
4 Septiembre 2019
Date: 5 août 2019 Source: Farmlandgrab, CNCD-11.11.11 Par: Jean-François Pollet Joseph Rahall, la tête de Green Scenery (pays vert), organisation de défense de l'environnement et des droits de l'homme, sillonne régulièrement les vingt-quatre villages de la région de Malen pour rappeler aux paysans…
30 Mayo 2019
Caroline Long
This story was submitted as part of our recent Data Stories Contest and was the recipient of the second prize. The original story can be found here.       
By Sonkita Conteh, Director, Sierra Leone Program, Namati   Three years ago I wrote about how communities in Sierra Leone were getting the short end of the stick in large-scale land transactions. Many did not understand the provisions of the complex lease agreements they were signing. Not only…
By Rachael Knight, Senior Advisor, Community Land Protection, Namati   Taken together, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are a beautiful, ambitious vision for the world we aim to create for future generations. Their drafting and adoption are the result of astonishing cooperation by experts…
The Namati team in Sierra Leone is engaged in an ongoing effort to discover sustainable measures for community ownership, management, and administration of land and natural resources throughout the country. To this end, we have taken on a new project: the application of a legal empowerment approach…