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Urban Tenure
COVID-19 related content

Displaying 13 - 24 of 63

Despejos e denúncias de contratos de arrendamento deixam de estar suspensos a 1 de julho

17 Junio 2021
Senhorios podem assim voltar a poder acionar despejos e a terminar com os contratos, porque acaba a 30 de junho o período de "congelamento" em vigor por causa da pandemia.
A suspensão dos prazos dos contratos de arrendamento residencial e comercial tem os dias contados. O projeto de lei do Bloco de Esquerda (BE) que propunha dar continuidade ao congelamento do prazo dos contratos foi chumbado na especialidade esta quarta-feira (dia 16 de junho de 2021) com votos contra do PS, PSD e CDS.

The accelerating need for Urban Green Spaces (UGS) in cities and how to best accommodate it

05 Julio 2021
Shaswati Chowdhury

Urban Green Spaces (UGS) are vegetated open spaces that provide a multitude of ecological functions that are essential for the physical and mental well-being of the citizens as well as for the urban environment. However, land is an extremely competitive resource in cities that are struggling to sustain the ever-growing urban population and UGS are constantly under threat of urban encroachment. Even the well spread out cities are pressured to densify by the more commonplace ‘sustainable dense urban neighbourhood’ approach that in turn, increases the pressure on open spaces such as UGS.

Solid Ground: Applying lessons from an advocacy campaign in the context of a global pandemic

02 Julio 2021
Yulan Duit

The world has changed in the year and a half since Habitat for Humanity closed Solid Ground, a 4-year global advocacy campaign to increase access to land for shelter. The significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout are still unfolding. The Solid Ground campaign helped to change policies and systems to improve access to land for shelter for over 12 million people.

Le Président mozambicain, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, lance un projet appuyé par le FIDA afin de stimuler l’aquaculture

02 Junio 2021

Rome, le 2 juin 2021 – Le 28 mai 2021, le Président de la République du Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, a lancé un projet visant à réduire la pauvreté et à accroître la production et les revenus grâce à l’aquaculture au profit de plus de 88 000 petits producteurs piscicoles dans les zones rurales. Le projet a été inauguré à Chitima, dans la province de Tete.

O desastre da COVID19: Uma oportunidade perdida para a colaboração autoridade-cidadania

25 Junio 2021

Em 2021, o grupo de pesquisa GEORISCO completa 10 anos de criação e, para celebrar essa marca importante, realizará o Seminário Internacional GEORISCO. Será uma série de quatro conferências on line com renomados pesquisadores do tema Redução de Risco de Desastres. O seminário é uma realização do GEORISCO com a colaboração do Núcleo de Pesquisas sobre Desastres (NUPED-UFRN).

Proposed land management and urban planning law moves forward

06 Enero 2021

Main photo: the new law was proposed in the light of developments in Cambodia’s property sector. KT/Pann Rachana

A proposal that will lead to substantial changes to the existing law governing land management and urban planning in Cambodia is moving forward.

The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) conducted an online consultative meeting regarding the proposed law. The meeting was led by Pen Sopahal, secretary of state, with other senior officials of the MLMUPC.

Informal settlements and access to data in the time of COVID: a case for sharing data for decision making

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2020
Southern Africa

The spread of COVID-19 in South Africa and other countries in the region has again brought to the fore the fact that very dense, under-serviced, mostly informal, settlements are not healthy places to live. They are also places where the spread of a disease is difficult to prevent or manage.

The kind of emergency response that was required to address the imminent spread of COVID-19 highlighted the widespread vulnerability of the poorest, compounded by highly unequal access to services and ongoing unhealthy living conditions.