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Rangelands, Drylands & Pastoralism
COVID-19 related content

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Agro-industrie : Samuel Nguiffo tire les leçons des échecs de Neo Industry et Pac dans la Vallée du Ntem

05 Mayo 2021

(Investir au Cameroun) - Le 5 mai 2021, le Premier ministre (PM), Joseph Dion Ngute, a signé un décret annulant l’incorporation dans le domaine privé de l’État de plus de 66 000 hectares de terre dans le département de la Vallée du Ntem, dans la région du Sud du Cameroun.

Communities, conservation & development in the age of COVID-19: Time for rethinking approaches

11 Septiembre 2020
Michael Brown

The global conservation community now faces the added challenge of Covid-19 on top of a longstanding set of complex conservation, sustainability, and development challenges. In the wake of this pandemic, return to business as usual is not a viable option. The existing systems and structures upon which conservation is based must evolve. Climate change, biodiversity conservation, and poverty elimination efforts have been further complicated by Covid-19, with the brunt of the pandemic borne most acutely by the poorest and most vulnerable.