Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/4
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/4
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/5.1
Session: Sess. 23
Meeting Name: Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2014/6.2
This issue of Unasylva looks at various aspects of the overall financing situation in forestry and highlights areas where additional progress could and should be made. The issue draws heavily on material prepared for the June 1996 Workshop on Financial Mechanisms and Sources of Finance for Sustainable Forestry, held in Pretoria, South Africa.
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine les dfis que doit relever la vulgarisation forestire et les efforts dploys actuellement en ce sens.
Les principaux partisans de l'utilisation des forts ont tous reconnu qu'ils devaient accorder une certaine place aux problmes de conservation dans leurs efforts. Et, quelques rares exceptions prs, mme les plus verts des groupes de dfenseurs de l'environnement, admettent aujourd'hui la ncessit d'incorporer et d'encourager jusqu' un certain point l'utilisation dans des programmes de conservation qui visent pourtant prserver la fort.
Statements from FAO's Director-General and the King of Nepal, profiles of mountain issues and activities from countries such as Bolivia, Italy, Kyrgyzstan and Peru, and information on mountain forests, tropical cloud forests and sacred mountains complete Unasylva's foray into the mountains.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Meeting Name: Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:APFC/2016/1 Rev.1
Session: Sess. 26
Methods for the collection and analysis of wood product data in Niger are discussed in this country report. It is organised in two main sections: The country's wooden resources and their potential uses and the analysis of past, present and future trends with their respective subsections. A conclusion is given demonstrating the effects of wood fuel use at the economic, social and environmental levels.
This report presents the outcome of a macroeconomic survey of the forest sector of the Republic of Latvia. It presents issues and parameters facing public and private sector decision-makers in their respective attempts to develop this sector. It identifies opportunities and constraints to investment and proposes measures to, accordingly, either engage them or remove them. It also attempts to introduce simple methodologies to undertake analysis currently constrained by the absence of more comprehensive data.
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/7.1
Session: Sess. 23