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Issuestitulo de propriedad LandLibrary Resource
There are 393 content items of different types and languages related to titulo de propriedad on the Land Portal.
Displaying 85 - 96 of 231

Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war.

Land consolidation as technical change: Economic impacts in rural Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Febrero, 2020
Viet Nam

This paper deepens the economic analysis of the effects of land consolidation – reduction of land fragmentation. It does this in the context of rural Vietnam, studying whether land consolidation promotes or hinders the Vietnamese government's policy objectives of encouraging agricultural mechanization and stimulating the off-farm rural economy. The analysis views land consolidation as a form of technical change, making it possible to apply the rich insights developed in the economic literature on that subject.

Is Land Ownership a Key Factor in the Choice of Livelihood in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam?

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2019
Viet Nam

Our main objective in this research was to examine the role of land ownership in the choice of household livelihood in the rural Mekong Delta region, Vietnam. Using secondary data on rural households in the Mekong Delta region, we use cluster analysis techniques to classify livelihoods currently adopted by rural households. Using Bonferroni pairwise tests and quantile functions (Pen’s parades), we then compare the income levels of identified livelihoods. Finally, we employ a multinomial logit model to examine different factors affecting the choice of livelihoods.

Frontier Capitalism and Politics of Dispossession in Myanmar: The Case of the Mwetaung (Gullu Mual) Nickel Mine in Chin State

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2018

Since 2010, Myanmar has experienced unprecedented political and economic changes described in the literature as democratic transition or metamorphosis. The aim of this paper is to analyze the strategy of accumulation by dispossession in the frontier areas as a precondition and persistent element of Myanmar’s transition. Through this particular regime of dispossession – described as frontier capitalism – the periphery is turned into a supplier of resource revenues to fuel economic growth at the center.

Housing, Land and Property Rights and Peace Agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar Peace Process

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2018

ABSTRACTED FROM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This briefing paper is designed to assist and build the capacities of those engaged in formulating an eventual peace agreement concerning the ongoing conflicts in Myanmar with options on how best to address the myriad HLP issues in the country based on similar experiences in other countries. It explores some of the fundamental HLP issues common to most conflicts, how these have played out in the Myanmar context, and how other countries have addressed these in various peace agreements and negotiated settlements.

How does organic agriculture contribute to food security of small land holders?: A case study in the North of Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2018

There has been a trend to encourage organic agriculture in response to improve global food security. This article investigated how organic agriculture contributed to food security of small land holders experiencing organic agriculture. It involved in-depth interview, focus group, and participatory observation from a purposive sample of thirty participants at San Sai and Muang Wa Villages, Luang Neua Sub-District, Doi Sa Ket District, Chiang Mai Province, the north of Thailand.

Indigenous peoples, land rights and forest conservation in Myanmar

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2018

In light of the urgency of both forest conservation and the recognition of indigenous communities’ rights to land and resources, along with the documented potential for creating conservation synergies through recognition of community rights, this study tries to look at the approaches to forest conservation taken in Myanmar so far, and to take stock of their achievements and impact with respect to both forest conservation and the rights and wellbeing of communities.

Pananti APG: La decidida lucha de las mujeres por acceder a su territorio

Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

Relata cómo a partir de la década de los 2000, los indígenas guaraníes que habitaban Pananti APG, comunidad de Yacuiba, Bolivia, comenzaron a recuperar su identidad cultural y a defender sus derechos a su territorio. Por ello, alrededor de 20 familias guaraníes, principalmente lideradas por mujeres, defendieron sus tierras a través de trámites de titulación de una parte de Pananti.


Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2018

A região Nordeste do Tocantins, antes de ser polo agrícola do agronegócio, éacima de tudo, uma região de territórios indígenas e comunidades tradicionais. Pois,ainda no século XIX, essas terras foram ocupadas pelos povos indígenas Krahôs edepois por diversas famílias de posseiros e pequenos agricultores de origemnordestina, que encontraram nesse lugar o refrigério.

Los Weenhayek, en camino a la consolidación de su territorio

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2017

El territorio weenhayek aún continúa en proceso de saneamiento. De los 197.000 hectáreas demandadas por los indígenas solo se tituló el 30%. En el proceso hubo problemas con ganaderos quienes se apropiaron de parte de lo demandado.Por ese motivo, a modo de proteger y defender su territorio, las familias weenhayek como medida estratégica desdoblaron sus comunidades constituyendo unas nuevas.

La lucha del pueblo Yukpa por la recuperación de su territorio

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2017

Sabino Romero y el pueblo yukpa comenzaron a recuperar las tierras que ancestralmente les pertenecía y que fue ocupado por ganaderos, quienes los despojaron de sus tierras.Frente a estas acciones, los ganaderos tomaron represalias en contra los indígenas por lo que muchos murieron en la década del 2000. No fue hasta el asesinato de Sabino que el Gobierno compró las bienhechurías de los hacendados

A hybrid system of Land Titles and Deeds registration as a new model for Zambia: A case study of the Lands and Deeds Registry Lusaka

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2014

Anywhere in the world land is the most important natural wealth for the country. The availability of land and its use are a vital part of human existence. Land records, therefore, are of great concern to every country’s government as well as every individual who owns, occupies, uses or has an interest in a parcel of land. In relation to land a person will feel secured or safe with regards to land rights if she has security of tenure and security of tenure is a question of fact.