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IssuesOrdenación territorialLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to Ordenación territorial on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2617 - 2628 of 5056

Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2015 (No. 63 of 2015).

Europa septentrional

This Act amends the Planning and Development Act, 2000 so as to, among other things: insert a new provision in section 28 on Ministerial guidelines; insert a new provision in section 34 on assessment of applications for new development; provide for the making of the planning scheme following an appeal made under section 169; provide with respect to a determination by the Board whether the extent and character of the modification in a planning scheme would be likely to have a significant effect on the environment (within the meaning of Annex II of Directive 2001/42/EC) or on a European site;

Décret n° 2008-773 du 30 juillet 2008 portant création de l'Etablissement public d'aménagement de la Plaine du Var.

Europa occidental

Le présent décret crée d'Etablissement public d'aménagement de la Plaine du Var, un établissement public d'aménagement de l'Etat à caractère industriel et commercial doté de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière. Placé sous la tutelle du ministre chargé de l'urbanisme, cet établissement est chargé de procéder à toutes opérations de nature à favoriser l'aménagement, le renouvellement urbain, le développement économique et la valorisation des espaces compris à l'intérieur du périmètre défini en annexe au présent décret .

Law No. 10169 dated 22.10.2009 amending and supplementing Law No. 9482 dated 3.4.2006 on the legalization, urbanization, and integration of non – permitted construction.

Europa meridional

Law 10169 of 2009 amends and supplements articles 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27 and 32 of the law No.9482 of 2006. The amendments mostly concern the payment procedures of the non-permitted constructions.

Decreto Supremo Nº 072/05/PCM - Reglamento del Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento que norma los alcances y el proceso de inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Profesionales y Técnicos de Demarcación Territorial acreditados ante la Dirección Nacional Técnica de Demarcación Territorial (DNTDT) de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM), que tiene por finalidad organizar y unificar la información de los profesionales y técnicos, capacitados en materia de saneamiento de límites y organización territorial, comprometidos con los objetivos y principios del proceso de Demarcación y Organización Territorial.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 93/2002 approving the Regional Planning of Mármores area (PROZOM).

Europa meridional

This Resolution approves the Regional Planning of Mármores area (PROZOM) within the Municipalities of Alandroal, Borba, Estremoz and Vila Viçosa. This Regulation consists of 4 chapters regulating marble exploitation, land and water management and use.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)
Repealed by: Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 53/2010 approving the Regional Land Use Planning of Alentejo. (2010-07-16)

Loi nº 014/96/ADP portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
África occidental

Cette loi détermine les principes fondamentaux de l'aménagement du territoire, de la gestion des terres rurales et urbaines, du régime de l'eau, des forêts, de la faune, de la pêche, des substances de carrière et des mines, ainsi que la réglementation des droits réels immobiliers.

Plans of Subdivision (O. Reg. 544/06).

América Septentrional

The present Regulation is made under the Planning Act. In particular, the Regulation set out minimum requirements with respect to the information that must be submitted with each land use planning application. The text consists of 14 sections and 1 Schedule.

Implements: Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13). (2016)

Development Planning (Amendment) Act, 2001 (Act No. XXI of 2001).

Europa meridional

The amendments of the principal Act concern a wide variety of issues including, but not limited to: interpretation (art. 2); composition of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (art. 3), functions of the Authority (art. 5), appointment of Director of Planning (sect. 6), organization and functions of the Development Control Commission (sect. 7), constitution and functions of the Planning Appeals Board (art. 9), right of inspection by the Board of the Authority, Commission or Appeals Board (sect.

Land Titles Act, 2015 (S.Y. 2015, c. 10).

América Septentrional

The present Act provides for a framework to protect the integrity of the land titles system in Yukon, to secure interests of property owners, and provide new economic development options. Furthermore, the Act establishes a new mechanism for registering settlement land while safeguarding aboriginal rights and title. This will create new residential and commercial development opportunities. The Land Title Office shall keep pace with the volume and complexity of modern land dealings in Yukon and provide more accessible land titles information.