CCSI Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture 2022
The 2022 Executive Training Brochure is available for download here.
¡Bienvenido a la 21ª Conferencia Anual del Banco Mundial sobre Tierra y Pobreza! El tema de la conferencia de este año será: Instituciones para la equidad y la resiliencia.
The LANDac Annual International Conference offers a podium for researchers, practitioners and private sector representatives interested in land governance for equitable and sustainable development.
The ISK Regional Conference is an annual event organized by the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya which is the professional body for landed professionals in Kenya.
This forum will bring together each of the key themes and players from our previous events on smallholder farmer resilience, deforestation and sustainable agriculture. The Sustainable Landscapes Conference will tackle the biggest issues faced by business in creating a net positive impact and ensuring sustainable and resilient agricultural supply chains.
The annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development (TROPENTAG) is jointly organised by the universities of Berlin, Bonn, Göttingen, Hohenheim, Kassel-Witzenhausen, Hamburg, ZALF e.V., ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic), BOKU Vienna (Austria
Climate change is amongst the most prominent developmental issues today. As a result, large amounts of capital are being made available to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity of climate-vulnerable people, particularly in the global South.
This Mekong region workshop will explore the challenges of large-scale agricultural investments to suggest solutions supportive of sustainable and pro-poor development, as well as economic growth. A set of recommendations will be produced.
O Comitê Executivo da Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional tem a satisfação de confirmar a realização do III Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em SSAN nos dias 08, 09 e 10 de Novembro de 2017, na cidade de Curitiba (PR), em local ainda a ser escolhido entre as opções existentes.
A Comissão Organizadora da IV Reunião Nordestina de Ciência do Solo já definiu a data do evento, que ocorrerá entre os dias 27 a 30/11/2017 na cidade de Teresina, PI. Segundo o Coordenador do evento, o Dr.
Nos dias 23,24 e 25 de agosto do presente ano, levar-se-á a cabo o TERCEIRO CONGRESSO IBEROAMERICANO DE SOLO URBANO na cidade de Curitiba, Brasil, com o tema “O solo na nova agenda urbana”, organizado de maneira conjunta pelo Colégio Mexiquence AC, a Universidade Federal do Paraná, a Universidade Pontifícia Católica do Paraná e a Universidade Positivo.