Состояние лесов мира 2016. Инфографика
Леса и деревья способствуют устойчивому ведению сельского хозяйства. Они стабилизируют почву и климат, регулируют водосток, дают тень и укрытие, создают ареал обитания для опылителей и естественных врагов сельскохозяйственных вредителей. Они также вносят свой вклад в обеспечение продовольственной безопасности сотен миллионов людей и служат для них важным источником питания, энергии и дохода.
Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Coexistencia silvicultura y agricultura
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Monitoring the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security: A Civil Society Perspective
This study is intended to contribute to the effective implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines by exploring ways of monitoring the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests and providing a civil society perspective on monitoring in the context of the Guidelines. It provides an overview of existing and commonly used monitoring systems and practices in relation with tenure of land, fisheries and forests by civil society organisations and institutions. In order to do so, it will propose a schematic categorization of monitoring in the context of land, fisheries and forests.
Unasylva: Forest and Landscape Restoration
Forest and landscape restoration is a key issue in the ongoing discussions at the Paris Climate Change Conference, convened to broker a game-changing agreement on climate change. On a planet where the mark of human activity is almost ubiquitous, restoration is by necessity a concept that has to take into account human well-being and ongoing change. In addition, in order to succeed in the long term, forest and landscape restoration initiatives will need to successfully engage a range of stakeholders, from policy-makers to local communities and from governments to private actors.
Restauration des forêts et des paysages
Meeting Name: Near East Forestry and Range Commission (NEFRC)
Meeting symbol/code: FO:NEFRC/2015/9
Session: Sess. 22
Promouvoir les produits de montagne pour une meilleure qualité de vie
2016 年世界森林状况:森林与农业-土地利用所面临的挑战与机遇
Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/4
Session: Sess. 23
Unasylva: Forêts, arbres et catastrophes
Ce double numéro d’Unasylva se propose de sonder les relations complexes existant entre les forêts, les arbres et les catastrophes, et d’examiner comment il est possible de gérer au mieux les forêts et les arbres à la fois pour résister aux chocs et pour protéger contre les chocs. Les forêts et les arbres peuvent servir de tampons naturels contre les catastrophes et les chocs. Ils ont un rôle déterminant à jouer dans la protection contre les catastrophes et la réduction de leur impact.
Sustainable Financing for Forest and Landscape Restoration
FAO and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD have joined efforts to prepare this discussion paper on sustainable financing for FLR. It provides an overview of existing funding sources and financial instruments that could be used and adapted specifically for the implementation of FLR efforts at the national, regional and global levels. It identifies innovative financing mechanisms to support the achievement of these global targets and discusses the main challenges for enhanced FLR financing.
Développement de la Chaîne de Valeur de l' Apiculture en Tanzanie
Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/4.2
Session: Sess. 20