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Adaptation measures in agricultural systems: Messages to the SBSTA 44 Agriculture Workshops

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2016

This working paper synthesizes knowledge within CGIAR on adaptation measures in agricultural systems, for the benefit of parties and observers preparing submissions to the UNFCCC SBSTA. Experience from CGIAR and partners indicate that adaptation measures covering policy, technological, financial, institutional, and research interventions are being tested and applied in agricultural systems in low-income and middle-income countries.

Agricultural practices and technologies to enhance food security, resilience and productivity in a sustainable manner: Messages to the SBSTA 44 agriculture workshops

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2016

This paper synthesizes knowledge within CGIAR and its partners on agricultural practices and technologies to enhance food security, resilience and productivity in a sustainable manner. A number of agricultural practices and technologies which contribute to these objectives were identified and assessed to generate four key lessons.

Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices and technologies. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems

Policy Papers & Briefs
Febrero, 2016

In this info note we provide a brief overview of key

agricultural practices and technologies which enhance

productivity in a sustainable manner, thus contributing to

food security and environmental goals while increasing

the resilience of farming systems.

A twinned info note considers

higher-level measures of

adaptation in agriculture, such

as policies and institutions. Updated: November 2016.

Both info notes are drawn from

longer working papers, all

freely available to download at

The scientific basis of climate-smart agriculture: A systematic review protocol

Reports & Research
Febrero, 2016

Background: ‘Climate-smart agriculture’ (CSA)—agriculture and food systems that

sustainably increase food production, improve resilience (or adaptive capacity) of farming

systems, and mitigate climate change when possible—has quickly been integrated into the

global development agenda. However, the empirical evidence base for CSA has not been

assembled, complicating the transition from CSA concept to concrete actions, and

contributing to ideological disagreement among development practitioners. Thus, there is an

Finding an integrated market standard alternative small holder farmers in South Africa

Reports & Research
Enero, 2016

This is a report from a workshop organised by the Southern Africa Food LAB (SAFL) in collabora?on with Solidaridad Southern Africa, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to develop a set of entry level standard principles; and an integrated environmental, ethical, and social market standard for smallholder farmers.

Stocktaking exercise for the project “Increase the use of the VGGT”

Enero, 2016

The project “Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security among CSOs and grassroots organizations” has started in September 2014 thanks to a contribution of the Kingdom of Belgium. Its first phase, ended in December 2015, has involved seven countries: Guatemala, South Africa, Malawi, Myanmar, Niger, Senegal and Nepal.

Luta, suor e terra

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2016
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

Esse trabalho analisa as inter-relações entre campesinato e etnicidade a partir de um olhar comparativo sobre as trajetórias de dois grupos que se reconhecem como etnicamente diferenciados no contexto rural brasileiro. Compostos principalmente por famílias que tem buscado se afirmar como agricultoras, o Povo Indígena Tingüi-Botó (Feira Grande) e a Comunidade Quilombola Guaxinim (Cacimbinhas) estão localizados entre as zonas agrestina e sertaneja de Alagoas.

Being a Women in Cote d'Ivoire

Enero, 2016

In Africa, women are subjected to
discriminatory practices that keep them in a vulnerable
situation. Their limited access to land, in a continent
where the majority of the population depends on agriculture,
reduces their access to credit and their capacity to
undertake sustainable economic activities to generate
income. They hold only 18 percent of agricultural lands and
are not better off in administrations. In Cote

Ley Nº 1.776 - Crea y desarrolla las Zonas de interés de desarrollo rural, económico y social (ZIDRES).

Enero, 2016

La presente Ley crea y desarrolla las Zonas de Interés de desarrollo rural, económico y social (ZIDRES), como territorios con aptitud agrícola, pecuaria y forestal y piscícola identificados por la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA), que se establecerán a partir de Planes de Desarrollo Rural Integral en un marco de economía formal y de ordenamiento territorial, soportados bajo parámetros de plena competitividad e inserción del recurso humano en un contexto de desarrollo humano sostenible, crecimiento económico regional, desarrollo social y sostenibilidad ambiental.

Malawi Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment

Enero, 2016

With more than three-quarters of its
workforce employed in agriculture, Malawi is highly
vulnerable to any adverse events affecting the agriculture
sector, and agricultural risks are ever present in the
country. Agricultural risks can obstruct development and
enforce poverty traps, particularly for a country as reliant
on agriculture as Malawi. Because of the size of the sector
in the economy and the importance of agricultural products

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Sri Lanka

Policy Papers & Briefs
Enero, 2016
Sri Lanka
Southern Asia

The climate-smart agriculture (CSA) concept reflects
the ambition to improve the integration of agriculture
development and climate responsiveness. CSA aims to
achieve food security and broader development goals under a
changing climate and increasing food demand. CSA initiatives
sustainably increase agriculture productivity, enhance resilience
of agro-systems, and reduce/remove greenhouse gases
(GHGs) from agriculture production, and require planning to
address tradeoffs and synergies between these three pillars: