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Displaying 2293 - 2304 of 5078

Indonesia : Avoiding the Trap

Julio, 2014

Within the next two decades Indonesia
aspires to generate prosperity, avoid a middle-income trap
and leave no one behind as it tries to catch up with
high-income economies. These are ambitious goals. Realizing
them requires sustained high growth and job creation, as
well as reduced inequality. Can Indonesia achieve them? This
report argues that the country has the potential to rise and
become more prosperous and equitable. But the risk of

Economy-Wide Impact of Oil Discovery in Ghana

Julio, 2014

Ghana's oil will start to flow in
2011, maybe even before, and most of its known reserves will
be extracted in the immediate years after. The promise of
oil generates expectations of all sorts, the more so as
Ghana currently grapples with a macroeconomic crisis of
significant proportions. This overview discusses the
Ghana-specific nature of these challenges and explores
possible options to address them. In doing so, it builds on

Realizing the Potential of FDI to Diversify Lesotho's Exports : An Assessment of the Key Opportunities and Constraints

Julio, 2014

This policy note assesses the potential
of foreign direct investment (FDI) to diversify Lesotho s
exports. Lesotho must preserve capacity to produce more and
better goods, seek new markets, preserve existing
manufacturing jobs, undertake structural and institutional
reforms, and take advantage of its location inside South
Africa. Given the low savings in the country, as well as
major fiscal challenges arising from declines in SACU

Higher Fuel and Food Prices : Impacts and Responses for Mozambique

Julio, 2014

The dramatic increases in world food and
fuel prices during 2007 and early 2008 may set back
Mozambique's considerable advances in poverty reduction
during the past decade. This study assesses the impact of
higher fuel and food prices at both household and
macroeconomic levels, and also considers policy options to
mitigate some of the negative impacts of higher prices.
Rising world prices certainly represents a negative

Belarus Agricultural Productivity and Competitiveness : Impact of State Support and Market Intervention

Julio, 2014

Productivity in Belarus'
agricultural sector has improved considerably, but large
parts of crop and livestock production are not
internationally competitive. The state's regulatory and
fiscal support system for agriculture has been instrumental
in improving the sector's performance. But the massive
distortions to agricultural incentives it creates to prevent
the sector from reaching its full potential. And the high

The Global Integrated Pest Management Facility

Julio, 2014

At the request of the World Bank's
Executive Board, the Bank's Operations Evaluation
Department (OED) has been conducting an evaluation of the
Bank's involvement in global programs. The Phase 1
Report titled The World Bank's Approach to Global
Programs focused on the strategic and programmatic
management of the Bank's global portfolio of 70
programs in five Bank Networks (a cluster of closely related

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 1. Executive Summary

Julio, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 3. Ecuador

Julio, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Andean Countries : A Strategy for Forestry, Volume 2. Bolivia

Julio, 2014

The World Bank's revised forest
policy came into being in 2002 and covers all types of
forests. It has the following key objectives: (i) harnessing
the potential of forests to reduce poverty in a sustainable
manner; (ii) integrating forests effectively into
sustainable development; and (iii) protecting vital local
and global environmental services and values. The policy
enables the bank to fully engage in forestry throughout the

Cultural Assets in Support of Transition in the Europe and Central Asia Region : An Operational Perspective

Julio, 2014
Central Asia

The purpose ofthis report is to provide guidance to the staff of the World Bank's
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region with respect to mobilizing cultural assets to
support socioeconomic development in our country and regional work programs. To this
end it seeks to demonstrate how and when it makes sense for us to get involved in
activities related to cultural asset mobilization. Equally important, it also indicates how
and when we should leave cultural heritage activities to others. In particular, this report
addresses the following questions:

Agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra emisiones por fuentes y absorciones por sumideros

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2014
Viet Nam

El presente informe analiza el nuevo conocimiento sobre emisiones antropogénicas de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) procedentes de actividades de la agricultura, la silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra (AFOLU por sus siglas en inglés) disponibles gracias a la nueva base de datos sobre Emisiones de FAOSTAT. La base de datos está disponible mundialmente, detallada por países, para todas las subcategorías de agricultura, silvicultura y suelos disponibles en FAOSTAT y en la Evaluación de Recursos Forestales (FRA por sus siglas en inglés).

La circulación de saberes agronómicos en las márgenes pampeanas durante la década del veinte

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2014

El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la circulación de saberes agrícolas en el sureste productivo del Territorio Nacional de la Pampa durante la década del veinte, haciendo hincapié en el rol de las publicaciones especializadas, ya sea que pertenecieran a la esfera estatal o privada. Así, se pretende examinar la propagación de conocimientos agronómicos generados por expertos, pero también la difusión de experiencias empíricas llevadas adelante por los propios productores, en un contexto en el que la agricultura cerealera era la principal actividad económica de la región.